The Great Cosmic Consciousness
Family, we are spiritual beings, a supreme expression of the infinite creator, living in this time and space in our human body. A lot of us have heard something like this before and for some of us it is hard to believe. The body serves as a vehicle for the soul to experience life, to express our light to others, and to exist on Earth as matter. We could easily choose to experience life from the spirit plane without a form of body to house our soul, but that would not serve our purpose of experiencing Earth in the dimensional vibration that it has to offer.
So by nature we are souls, having fun, growing and becoming better by existing in different forms and atmospheres throughout the heavens. Earth is a playground for us because you have free will and choices, which is a bit tough at times. It's just like asking a little one, do you want the broccoli or gummy worms? The child knows what's best for them, but wants to have that candy! So for some of us we know what's best for us but we choose to do and create things that are easy for temporary satisfaction. This is why we chose Earth, for the challenge, the obstacle courses, and to test our souls.
Once we've gotten through the lower challenges and we realize okay, "I chose these lessons before incarnation to become better and I've grown from them," you are now in that space to utilize your gifts that you've had before this lifetime to further the planet. The great force of life from our infinite created you, so your star soul or life force is very powerful, add that with the multiple experiences that you've had through out the cosmic heavens and your star get's bigger and shines brighter. Even though we've had many lives the Great Cosmic Consciousness keeps a record of all of the star souls. This is also called the Akashic Records, where all that exist is kept. The Akashic Records also known as the Great Cosmic consciousness is an etheric library of all events from the creation of time, to the present and future. Tapping into tis energy field can assist us on our journey. Through this space we can merge with the ascended masters, angels, ancestors, and our past lives.
After traveling abroad and realizing that people all over the world no matter the culture, environment, or income level all do the same things, it all became more evident how we are connected.
This library is within every ounce of life it runs through all things that exist. It is a library of events, emotions, thoughts, and intentions. We all are connected we are all spiritual family and we all have access to all that exist. Some people are able to access these records better than others and for others it may take more training. What can u learn from the Akashic Records?
Messages of the Day:
"Don't forget that you have more than one soul mate. Some say we have a different one for each of the major growth horizons we face. You may have a spiritual soul mate, a companion soul mate, an adventure mate, and so one."
pg. 174
"According to the Akashic Record, spiritual separation is the cause of disease, and healing is the process of become whole." pg. 123
"Often people think that all they have to do is think positive thoughts and the future they want will come to them. Actually, while positive thoughts are essential, we have to match tem with positive action. We have to hold a vision and work toward creating it." pg.223
Today's Energies:
Numerology: Today is 29th = 11day
29, 2013=10/1 Day 333/32 days left in year
Planet of the day: Venus
Moon Sign of the Day: Libra
Herb of the Day: Hawthorn Berry, Jasmine, Lavender, Rose
Essential Oil of the Day: Pine, Cedarwood, Rosewood, Cardamon
Color of the Day: Pink/Green
Chakra of the Day: Anahata/ Heart
Sound of the Day: Yam
Incense of the Day: Rose
Gem/Stone of the Day: Jade, Malachite, Emerald, Rose Quartz
Foods for the Day: Sprouts, cacao, foods rich in chlorophyll
Yoga Pose of the Day: Pranayama, Camel, Eagle, Backbends
Book of the Day: Akashic Records by Dr. Synthia Andrews, ND
Today's Meditation: At midnite run a warm bath, add essential oils or herbs that you like to make you comfortable. You are creating a womb for yourself to go within and seek guidance. When you are ready, merge with your breath and calm the mind. If you want to know about your past lives, spiritual purpose, or childhood memories, ask your higher spirit to guide you in seeking these answers from the Akashic Records. Mediate on your question for sometime. Go under water in a fetal position or what fits for you. Allow the cosmic consciousness to merge with yours and flow. Come up for air from time to time and go back under. You may even choose to submerge your whole body and leave your nose and mouth above water to breathe, just do what works best for you.
When finished ground yourself through breathing, thank the infinite and journal.