Friday, November 29, 2013

The Great Cosmic Consciousness

The Great Cosmic Consciousness
Family, we are spiritual beings, a supreme expression of the infinite creator, living in this time and space in our human body. A lot of us have heard something like this before and for some of us it is hard to believe. The body serves as a vehicle for the soul to experience life, to express our light to others, and to exist on Earth as matter. We could easily choose to experience life from the spirit plane without a form of body to house our soul, but that would not serve our purpose of experiencing Earth in the dimensional vibration that it has to offer.
So by nature we are souls, having fun, growing and becoming better by existing in different forms and atmospheres throughout the heavens. Earth is a playground for us because you have free will and choices, which is a bit tough at times. It's just like asking a little one, do you want the broccoli or gummy worms? The child knows what's best for them, but wants to have that candy! So for some of us we know what's best for us but we choose to do and create things that are easy for temporary satisfaction. This is why we chose Earth, for the challenge, the obstacle courses, and to test our souls.

Once we've gotten through the lower challenges and we realize okay, "I chose these lessons before incarnation to become better and I've grown from them," you are now in that space to utilize your gifts that you've had before this lifetime to further the planet. The great force of life from our infinite created you, so your star soul or life force is very powerful, add that with the multiple experiences that you've had through out the cosmic heavens and your star get's bigger and shines brighter. Even though we've had many lives the Great Cosmic Consciousness keeps a record of all of the star souls. This is also called the Akashic Records, where all that exist is kept. The Akashic Records also known as the Great Cosmic consciousness is an etheric library of all events from the creation of time, to the present and future. Tapping into tis energy field can assist us on our journey. Through this space we can merge with the ascended masters, angels, ancestors, and our past lives.
After traveling abroad and realizing that people all over the world no matter the culture, environment, or income level all do the same things, it all became more evident how we are connected.  
This library is within every ounce of life it runs through all things that exist. It is a library of events, emotions, thoughts, and intentions. We all are connected we are all spiritual family and we all have access to all that exist. Some people are able to access these records better than others and for others it may take more training. What can u learn from the Akashic Records?
Messages of the Day:
"Don't forget that you have more than one soul mate. Some say we have a different one for each of the major growth horizons we face. You may have a spiritual soul mate, a companion soul mate, an adventure mate, and so one."
pg. 174
"According to the Akashic Record, spiritual separation is the cause of disease, and healing is the process of become whole." pg. 123
"Often people think that all they have to do is think positive thoughts and the future they want will come to them. Actually, while positive thoughts are essential, we have to match tem with positive action. We have to hold a vision and work toward creating it." pg.223
Today's Energies:
Numerology: Today is 29th = 11day
November 29, 2013=10/1 Day 333/32 days left in year
Planet of the day: Venus
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Libra
Herb of the Day: Hawthorn Berry, Jasmine, Lavender, Rose
Essential Oil of the Day: Pine, Cedarwood, Rosewood, Cardamon
Color of the Day: Pink/Green
Chakra of the Day: Anahata/ Heart
Sound of the Day: Yam
Incense of the Day: Rose
Gem/Stone of the Day: Jade, Malachite, Emerald, Rose Quartz
Foods for the Day: Sprouts, cacao, foods rich in chlorophyll
Yoga Pose of the Day: Pranayama, Camel, Eagle, Backbends
Book of the Day: Akashic Records by Dr. Synthia Andrews, ND
Today's Meditation: At midnite run a warm bath, add essential oils or herbs that you like to make you comfortable. You are creating a womb for yourself to go within and seek guidance. When you are ready, merge with your breath and calm the mind. If you want to know about your past lives, spiritual purpose, or childhood memories, ask your higher spirit to guide you in seeking these answers from the Akashic Records. Mediate on your question for sometime. Go under water in a fetal position or what fits for you. Allow the cosmic consciousness to merge with yours and flow. Come up for air from time to time and go back under. You may even choose to submerge your whole body and leave your nose and mouth above water to breathe, just do what works best for you.
When finished ground yourself through breathing, thank the infinite and journal.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

We Honor You Ancient Native Indians

In Your Honor Ancestors
As I embody the flow of life from our ancient Indian ancestors, I feel a rush of tears and then a energy that deepens my heart, I am in love. Living in Mound City where the energy and life of the Native Indians still prevail today, I am able to tap into their wisdom, guidance and sacred mysteries often. Our beautiful Indian ancestors cared so much for all of existence, not just humanity, and shared all that they had just to be taken for granted and slaughtered away. Today I not only remember them, but I also devote and rededicate my path to carry on their legacy of oneness, strength, and righteousness. Recently I was able to return to the womb of the Earth in a traditional sweat lodge on the Full Moon Day of November 17.
Embracing this sacred way of purifying, healing, and oneness with all has given me a divine respect and admiration for the way of life the Natives lived. The wind was profound that day filled with whispers of their souls, cry's of their hearts, and guidance of their spirits. The wind/spirit blew 3 of the neighbor's trees down in a flash. By right it should've flew over the fence where we were preparing to enter the lodge, but the trees did not. I strongly feel because we are carrying out the prayers of the ancients they showed us we are blessed, nothing fell or was destroyed where we were that day, it skipped over our space on continued on. As the fire keepers brought in more hot rocks at each doorway/element to feel the womb center in the lodge, we would say "oh grandmother!" That day it became more evident to me that the ancients spirits exists in all things in nature. They existed during the time when the rocks were forming. They may have held or touched those rocks, prayed with them, cooked or created with them. When we invited the rocks into the lodge the energy filled the entire space. In the last doorway, North we recognized the energy of the last century which was east uniting with west. This Aquarian age and this century it is south merging with north, Africa merging with the Northern continents. I brought sea, lagoon, and rain water back from my summer stay in Ghana, West Africa. The Maestro leading the ceremony poured the spirit water onto the grandmothers/rocks, it has been given over to the ancients. We are One.
They are calling for us to stand up for our land, care for our Earth, and be pure vessels for the infinite. The ancient Medicine Women & Men are coming forth, we're here, I am one of many, stand up, don't hide, heal yourself and your people, study wisdom at the feet of our elders, shine your light on the darkness, let your love flow.
~ The wishes of the ancients
Message for the day: "If you talk with animals they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk with them you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear, What one fears, one destroys." Take the time to create a bond with animals around you, not just cats and dogs, all animals, be at one with all of creation."
Today's Energies
Numerology: Today is 28th =10/1 day/November 28, 2013= 9/ Day 332/33 days left in year
Planet of the day: Jupiter
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Libra~ charming, social, kind, gentle, peaceful, gentle and lovers of beauty
Herb of the Day: Rosemary, Lemon Balm, Marshmallow Root
Essential Oil of the Day: Ginger, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lemongrass
Color of the Day:Yellow/Royal Blue
Chakra of the Day: Manipura/Solar Plexus /SUN
Sound of the Day: Ram
Incense of the Day: Frankincense
Gem/Stone of the Day: Citrine, Yellow Jasper
Foods for the Day: Whole Grains, Legumes, Fiber, Oranges
Tree of Today: Rowan~ Astral travel, connection to ecstasy, indomitable life force, higher consciousness
Yoga Pose of the Day: Warrior, Sun Salutation
Medicine Card of the Day: Bear~ Introspection

Today's Meditation: Quiet yourself, go into nature with a paper, pen, and offering for spirit. Still the mind flow with the breath. Ask the ancestors what it is they want you to do. Write these things down, write down what you feel you can devote your self to for the ancestors. Also write down what you are thankful for from the Native Indians. Charge this blessed note with your energies. You may tie it to a branch with a string, bury it or place it onto your altar, whatever feels best for you. Ase'

Ancestral Trees

Ancestral Sacred Trees
Today we honor the trees and land. All trees are sacred and full of life. Trees are our life force emanating oxygen for us to exist and breath. Sacredly trees offer us so much more than oxygen, they offer us wisdom, shelter and love. A lot of our houses are built from trees! In Freetown, Sierra Leone there stands a sacred site where the "Cotton Tree" lives firmly rooted in the Earth with ancient stories of our ancestors who made it back home to Africa in 1792 after being stolen away. When they won their freedom by fighting for the British in the American Independence war they returned back to Sierra Leone landing on the shoreline without anything. They saw this mystical tree just above the bay and made their way to it. On that day they held a Thanksgiving service, gathering around the tree in a huge group, praying and singing hymns to thank god for their deliverance to a free land. They settled there, to this day the Cotton Tree has become a site for offering prayers for peace, prosperity, and freedom.
Do you see the connection in this story and that of the Native Americans who we should also honor on this Thanksgiving Holiday?
The land, rocks, soil and trees are speaking to us this day to honor the land that whispers the wisdom of guidance. Go outdoors today to be one with your land where you live, work, or spend a lot of time. Place your feet in the dirt, rest your spine against a tree, matter of fact hug a tree! Splash water from a river or creek onto your face, if it's snowing where you are honor the snow. Thank the Native Indians of this land and our Ancestors who were brought here, they exist through us. As we heal and bring ourselves to wholeness through oneness with all that exists, we are healing our ancestors. If your family is willing, gather around a tree while saying your prayers and sing a hymn together honoring the ancestors and land. If you have to do it alone, the land and ancestors will surely bless you!
Message of the day: "Forward ever, backwards never." In honoring our ancestors we don't get stuck in the past, we thank them to be inspired to do great things honoring them and lighting the path for those who come after us. 
Today's energy:
Numerology: Today is 27th =9day/November 27, 2013= 8/ Day 322/38 days left in year
Planet of the day: Mercury~ conscious mind, study, travel, divination, and wisdom
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Virgo~ intelligent, practical, reliable, conservative, fussy
Herb of the Day:  Calendula, Burdock, Gardenia
Essential Oil of the Day: Angelica, Lemongrass, Orange
Color of the Day: Orange
Chakra of the Day: Sacral/Svadhisthana
Sound of the Day: Vam
Incense of the Day: Jasmine
Gem/Stone of the Day: Copper, Tigers Eye, Moonstone
Foods for the Day: Fish (food w/omega 3's), tropical fruits, nuts, orange colored foods
Yoga Pose of the Day: Triangle, Cobra, Goddess
Book to Read Today: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Today's Meditation:
Go out into nature and embrace oneness with the air, sun, water, and trees/land. Clear your mind and body through your breath and merge with spirit. Began to give thanks to our African and Native Indian Ancestors for their love, guidance, and wisdom. Leave an offering for them. Ase’ and Amen

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Guidance of the Ancestors & Angels

Oneness with Our Ancestors & Angels
It tis Sunday the day of the Sun the first day of the week and the divine day of the soul. It's 4a.m. and my ancestors are here. I feel a smooth tingling vibration all over my body, this is the way they physically communicate to me that they are here. We are always surrounded by our ancestors and angels, some of us have lost our way of talking with them in childhood, some of us kept this power or have regained it like myself. As we grow up we are told it is nonsense to talk to something we can not see, which is bananas. Anciently as a child turning into teens we were encouraged and trained to be one with all that exists especially ancestors. We also witnessed everyone around us communicating with spirit.  
Africa is not called the Mother Land for no reason, she is literally the mother of the lands, and what do the mothers do? Create, manifest, give birth, nurture, teach, mold and train. Africa has done just that. We live on a water planet and our beautiful loving Moon not only assist us with our gravitational field but also has a natural rhythm and oneness with the waters on Earth. Africa is the first land to be birthed from the waters, the first land that was inhabited by our human ancestors, the first land to ascend in connecting our Earth to the cosmic field of stars, planets, galaxies, dimensions and star family. The scientist were floored once they came over to see that we knew the same thing they did and much more with no fancy instruments, we relied on spirit, ancestral communication to guide us.
We all have ancestors, our closest ancestors are our family members who we knew and loved and who wish to see us prosper and grow. We also have angels who are also sometimes considered ascended masters who work directly through the infinite, like the creators personal assistants. They do not intervene with our everyday tasks, yet when we call out for their assistance they gently guide us. We may be nudged to turn the radio or tv station just in time to hear or see what we needed, we may "accidentally" walk into the wrong store only to see a flyer referencing just what you need. This is the doing of our ancestors and spirit family.

It will benefit you greatly to acknowledge and  build a realtionship with your ancestors and/or angels, it's one of the best pieces of advice I will ever give. Remember we are SPIRITUAL/ LIGHT SOULS having a "human" experience on Earth. We already have connections on Earth, we also need our spiritual family near by to stay connected during this journey. You can start by gathering pictures of your favorite loved ones who have passed, share stories with elders in your families of your ancestors, or just have a moment to share remembrances among yourself. (Oct.31-Nov.2 each year we celebrate our ancestors with day of the dead, dia de los muertos) Also share stories with your family or sacred community about angel experiences, purchase angel statues or print angel pictures from the internet. If you have sacred space add them to your altar or better yet create a shrine just for them. Just acknowledging them through thoughts and prayers will create a strong connection. You will get to know the way your angels or ancestors want to communicate with you quite quickly. Depending on the situation it could be through sound, smell, voice, loud noise, or an auric touch. Your intuition will pick up because they will constantly send you messages, your dreams will increase while you're in the spirit world, physically asleep, your life will feel whole for you have a connection to spirit and physical. 

Message of the Day: "Spirit Guides" allow spirit to guide you, not the physical eye. Tune into your brow chakra, I call this the 1st eye.

Today's Energies: 
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. Enjoy!

Numerology: Today is 24th =6 day/November 24, 2013= 5/ Day 324/41 days left in year
Planet of the day: Sun/Star~ Light, strength, passion, life force,love 
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Leo~ fire, passion, generosity, power, determination
Herb of the Day: Ginger, Lemon Balm. Rosemary 
Essential Oil of the Day: Rosemary, Lemongrass, Grapefruit
Color of the Day: Yellow/Gold
Chakra of the Day: Solar Plexus
Sound of the Day: Ram
Incense of the Day: Sandalwood/Cinnamon
Gem/Stone of the Day: Yellow Calcite, Gold, Topaz
Foods for the Day: Lemons, Squash, pumpkin, spicy foods
Yoga Pose of the Day: Warrior Pose/Sun Salutation
Book to Read Today: Spirit Guides Angel Guardians 
by Richard Webster

Today's Meditation:
Grab a notebook/paper and pen/pencil when you have alone time. Come to your sacred space and become one with your breath. Clear the mind, only have thoughts of your breath. We will practice Breath of Fire. This will allow the breath to purify the body, it increases energy and intuitive awareness through the pineal gland. Sitting nice and tall, place your hand on your belly, take a full inhalation and slowly exhale. Inhale again, exhale forcefully in a quick and fast pace for 10 counts focusing on the exhales. You are essentially pumping the belly. On the last one allow a nice exhale. (with practice you can increase the breath counts) Return to your natural  breath. Calm the mind. We are going to find our spirit guide.
Bring to mind your favorite place in nature. If it's a forest smell the trees and earth beneath your feet, hear the birds and seeds dropping to the forest floor, see the tall tress and rustled leaves. Feel safe and serene. You see a huge rock over looking a stream, go and have a seat on that rock. You take off your shoes, sit comfortably and close your eyes. You hear someone coming behind you and a soft and gentle hand touches your shoulder, you turn around. The person or energy you see is your spirit guide. They sit next to you and you smile feeling at ease to have finally met the one. You walk and talk until it's time to go. Your spirit guide whispers I am always with you and vanishes. Write down your experiences. (If someone you know pops up that is not in the spirit realm you may want to clear your mind more and try again.)
Happy Day of the Sun!


Living in  Awareness
Beautiful Saturday to you!! I am very excited about today's energy, especially after doing the prosperity sheet and purpose meditation yesterday. Saturn set's things in motion for us, yet at a different pace. Saturn's energy supports us in breaking habits, setting limitations and boundaries. So if you are now aware of your dreams & ambitions as well as the things that hold you back today is awesome day to set your dreams in motion by banishing the energies that do not serve you. Saturn rules discipline and hard work, so it's obvious why a lot of people get house work and other things that have been put of all week done on Saturday. So if  you've been putting off some spiritual work, house cleaning, or other important things in your life, become one with the energy of Saturn today and get er' done!!
Another energy to pay close attention to today is the waning Moon. Now of course we mentioned just above about Saturn being a good time to break long over due habits or bad relationships, well a waning-New Moon is also an excellent time for this as well. When the Moon is waning, it is drawing the energy down and away, into the Earth and that is what you want to do with the things you no longer want. Another rule of thumb, plant root crops, underground growing plants while the Moon is waning, and above ground plants when the Moon is waxing. The healing nurturing power and moisturizing energy of the Moon supports the growth of plants based on the phases it's in. Same with your life, think of things you want to draw away from you, spiritual practices that takes you deep within the darkness of yourself, and reading/studying during the waning, New Moon. During the waxing Full Moon become one with the energies of manifesting, creating, increasing, abundance, sacred sexuality, and anything that you need more of in your life.
 Become aware of the energies around you. We are still in the season of Autumn/Earth. When you leave your house in the morning be aware of the dirt,grass beneath your feet, the dew sparkling on the windows, the trees surrounding you as you drive peeking over the skyline. You are god, you are surrounded by god the divine in all things you encounter. Become aware of your breathing, your life force, your heart beat your strength, your thoughts which is your energy. If you want to change your energy, change your thoughts, how do you successfully change your thoughts? By being aware of the thoughts you do and don't want, applying positive affirmations daily along with meditation. This will change the cells in your body to a positive frequency allowing more positivity to surround you inside and out. Awareness in each moment, creates oneness.

Message of the Day: "In each life you are encouraged to be the powerful and creative spiritual being that you are. Move from the concept of separation and know that we are all one."

Energies of Today:
Numerology: Today is  23rd=5/November 25, 2013=4/Day 323/42 days left in the year  
Planet of the day: Saturday/Saturn~ hard work, routine, reaping rewards, breaking bad habits, setting boundaries
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/Fire~ November 22-December 21
Moon Sign of the day: Leo/Fire~passion, generosity, power, determination
Essential Oils for the day: Frankincense/Myrrh/Star Anise
Color of the day: Deep Blue/Indigo
Today's Chakra: Ajna/Third Eye
Sound of the day: OM
Incense for the day: Nag Champa
Gem/Stones of the day: Quartz Crystal/Lapis/Lazuli
Yoga Asanas for the day: Child's Pose/Half Moon

Today's Meditation: When you have some time alone, center your space and create comfort/sacredness for your meditation. Grab your notebook/paper and favorite pen/pencil. Sitting comfortably, close your eyes and become one with the breath. Allow your thoughts to calm down until one by one their gone and your only thought is of your powerful breath of life. If the thoughts persist just simply acknowledge them and guide the thought out of your mind like a leaf blowing in the wind. Pick one very special dream or goal that you wrote on your list yesterday. Imagine in your mind that you are on your journey to accomplish that dream. See yourself preparing for this goal each day becoming more and more excited, and finally you feel the joy in your core and heart once you reach your goal. Smile, it's closer than you think. After you finish this imagery, know that this is the 3rd step to manifesting. The 1st step was the awareness/thinking of the desire sending it to the dream field, the 2nd step was writing it sending it to the etheric/heavenly field as prayer, the 3rd step is physically taking steps 
towards the goal yourself. This further more draws the energy closer to you physically and the angels/ancestors will assist you on the spiritual plane. The 4th step will be to gain inner strength to face the obstacles which will definitely come your way once you step onto the path of achieving your goal, don't back down. Write down 5 steps you can take towards making your dream come true. Put a star by 1 of those steps. Break that 1 step down into 5 smaller steps. Starting today and for the rest of this week you will complete all  steps for step one out of the 5 major steps of accomplishing your dream. You are in the beginning stage of planting seeds. Hold the paper in your hand, bring to mind your dream, bless it, pray for it, blow your power breath onto it, place it on your altar or between the pages of a sacred book or journal. 
Happy Saturnday Fam!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Prosperity is within you, Reach Your dreams!

You are Abundant!

Happy Saturday to you!! It's officially the weekend and you may be lucky to have some me time and relax some over the next few days. If you are always on the go like me, today is the day we will whisper to ourselves, "I love you, it's time for me!!" So no more excuses, we are definitely taking at least 5-10 minutes today to breathe through our whole body, clear the mind, affirm the positive energy within, and smile. If we do not already know the answer to today's question we are about to find out. Today is the day to ask yourself, what is my purpose? This answer is important because it will be the foundation of your life, and everything in your life will begin to make sense. It will also give you a good sense of direction, belonging, and inspiration to stay on point!
The season of Autumn (Sept. 21-Dec.20) is governed by the element of Earth, and zodiacs of Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Within this energy the Earth is becoming dry and cold, we are literally cozying on down into the energy of the Earth. We are in hibernation mode, to go within and seek. Spiritually this is an excellent time to get to know yourself, the real you before you were told what to do by others that wanted you to be a certain way. It is also a great time to become one with the likeness of the things around you that represent Earth. (home life/home stability, finances/money, work, sex, purpose) So each day until the Winter Solstice we will journey on a path to become Earth. This is the secrets of the Shaman, Witch, and Priestesses. Once you are the element you can create and manifest what ever you wish (alchemy). You need some rain, well I am rain, so how about I make it rain!!! I am fire, and we need some fire to stay warm, so set some fire on these _____, lol in my Kevin Hart voice : ) Any who you get my jest. The Universe is abundant and we are apart of her/him, we live in the universe on Earth, on land, in a house. Everything that exists is within us, so anything that we want we shall have. We are Earth.

Message of the Day: "You are light, you are love, You are the very energy that has created all of the heavens and Earth. You are not your thoughts or experiences, these just help you spread your light and love."

Energies of Today
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. Enjoy!

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Numerology: Today is 30th =3 day/November 30, 2013= 2/ Day 334/31 days left in year
Planet of the day: Saturday/Saturn~ Longevity, endings, homes, houses, routines, reaping rewards after hard work
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Scorpio/Water Sign~ increase awareness of psychic powers, healing, transformations, mysteries revealed
Herb of the Day: Chamomile, Sage, Red Clover 
Essential Oil of the Day: Mint, Cypress, Sage, Lavender, Chamomile
Color of the Day: White/Blue
Chakra of the Day: Throat/Vishuddhi
Sound of the Day: Ham
Incense of the Day: Violet
Gem/Stone of the Day: Blue Agate, Turquoise, Aquamarine
Tree of the Month: Luis~Rowan
Medicine Card of the Day: Elk~ Card 3
Foods for the Day: Sea Plants, Soups, Sauces, Fresh Juice
Yoga Pose of the Day: Shoulder Stand, Bridge, Plow
What to Read Today: Ancestors: Sacred Serpent

Today's Meditation:
Grab your favorite (or any) pen/pencil and paper. Surround yourself in a peaceful environment where you will not be disturbed for 5-10 minutes. If it suits you smudge, light a candle, incense, but please no music or distractions. We seek to go within. If it is warm where you are, stand with your back against your favorite tree, bare feet in the Earth. If you are inside bring to mind that you are standing with your back against your favorite tree. Close your eyes, and feel your breath. Repeat I love me, I love myself, I am love to yourself silent 3x, aloud 3x, and louder 3 more times. Continue to breathe. Breathe in slow and deep, with each inhale bring in the abundant and calming energy of the tree. With each exhale feel your feet and legs becoming the tree. Continue, allow your torso to become the trunk of the tree, while raising your arms imagine they are becoming the branches of the tree, and your fingers the leaves of the tree. Your arms are now stretched to the sky, to the sun, the heavens. Feel a sense of pure light pouring over your leaves (your fingers), flowing through your branches, trunk, roots, and further more beneath the Earth your foundation. This is the cosmic life force that knows everything, it is the abundance of the universe telling you, you can have whatever you want, you are here for a purpose. If a negative thought comes in that says no you can't have it, you're a nobody, simply allow it to flow out of your mind like a leaf in the wind. Rest your arms and have a seat in front of the tree. Dig your feet in the dirt if you can!! Begin to write a list (this is your prosperity sheet) without contemplating much, on all the things you ever wanted, on how you would like your life to be if you had all the wisdom, prosperity and abundance in the world. Now remember don't say I don't have this much or I'll never have it but I want it anyway. Just flow with the prosperity energy of the tree and write these things down. When you are finished take 5 deep breaths in and out. Center yourself again, allow yourself to smile, you are on your way to get your dreams. Now ask yourself what is my purpose? This answer may not come right away, but when it does I am sure it will align with most of the things you have written on your prosperity sheet, now write your purpose down too. When you have completed your daily meditation, fold this paper and put it under your pillow safely until the new moon, when the moon is new, take your paper, and a seed and bury them together where you will walk everyday.
For a dream goal sheet email:


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Welcome to Oneness

Welcome to Oneness
Our current home, Earth and our spirits,our star souls are full of light right now, bursting with the energy that creates planets. Together we are being resurrected; reborn. We are in the living breath and moment of complete transition; transformation. Join us on this journey of oneness, acknowledging our sacred purposes & how we fit into the cosmic life. I receive intuitive messages from our star family, Archangels, Ancestors, & Great infinite. The messages are keys to unlocking the next step of our paths, assisting us with healing childhood issues, emotional toxicity, health issues, cultural denial, sexual misunderstandings, financial blocks, & soul blocks. Facing these base issues, healing them, and moving forward is the way to unlocking the cosmic door to a blissful life on Earth, and pure ascension in our afterlife. I will express many ways to conquer our challenges & obstacles, but please use the tools that fits your lifestyle and situation. If I am writing on a topic and the sacred tools we are using does not work for you, email me and I will do my best to assist you. Enjoy this journey, it will last a lifetime.