Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Harmony Report: Aquarius New Black Moon

Cosmic Grove Harmony Report 
January 29-January 31st

Happy Day Moon Lovers! Wow are we in the moment of true power and a divine energy of freedom! We are currently in the alignment of our Sun, Moon and Earth and in the New Moon phase. This particular New Moon is the bomb and extra potent for two beautiful reasons. One: it is our second New Moon this year which makes it a Black Moon something that happens only once in a year, and Two: : It is a Super Moon which means it's closeness to the Earth in proximity is extremely close which increases it's magnetic energy field to us. The energy of the Earth is literally shifting at this time physically and spiritually. This New Moon peaks on Thursday January 30, 2014 at 4:38pm ET in beautiful, inventive and free flowing Aquarius. This New Moon welcomes you to take charge, free up, awaken energies of yourself that you are not expressing, and definitely tap into your powers working more with family and community vs. self. Aquarius's are the change, they are the bold energy of stepping outside of the box and succeeding while you're in your own little weird lane. If you have deep desires that you are not fulfilling due to what others may think or out dated morals, shake them off, let them go and allow yourself the treat to live your life to the fullest. This is the time to take action. All New Moon's have the foundational energy of purification, release, new opportunities, new relationships, new dimensions, and change. This particular New Moon increases all of your opportunities, powers, wishes and desires to let go and attract what you want X10!! So tap in and enjoy. Today is the eve of the New Moon so it is an excellent time to prepare yourself for your New Moon Ceremony, Prayers, or Rituals. To find out what you will need to do on this special day. Take a moment to step outside of the box and look as if you were in the sky looking down. See what things need more power, what things have taken some of your energy but are not working, see what things have been buried and crying to come out and play. Give life to these things and center your rituals around this. Aquarius is the water bearer, pour some new life on it, most of all, Enjoy!!

JAN 29: The moon starts the day still in CAPRICORN and then enters VOID at 11:47amET. It remains VOID all day until 11:33pmET when it enters AQUARIUS. VOID moon days always bring up the “expedt the unexpected” forecast! The energy today is a roller coaster ride.  It is best to stay on target with tasks. Pay bills, glance at the budget for the year and see if any adjustments need to be made. This is not a good day for dental visits unless absolutely necessary.

JAN 30:  NEW MOON at 4:38pmET in AQUARIUS –  Happy Birthday Aquarius!  Today is a high energy day. Watch out for electrical overloads.  Machines may “burp” and go down unexpectedly.  Airlines may be overwhelmed with delays. Enjoy socializing today while keeping most people at a distance. Today is not the day to invite in new friendships.

JAN 31:  The last day of the month is LOADED WITH ENERGY!!! The moon will be in AQUARIUS until 11:45amET when it enters VOID until tonight at 10:45pm. During the day, MERCURY shifts out of AQUARIUS and into PISCES and VENUS stations DIRECT.  There could be some serious weather events involving snow and ice. There is also an earth shifting energy, perhaps flooding? Landslide? Be alert to weather changes, especially if travelling.  Double check all bank account information for mistakes. Be raedy to take action for only a few days (Feb 1,2,3 and that’s pushing it!) before MERCURY goes RETROGRADE on FEB 6!!!

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