Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Moon Wisdom: April 1, 2015

Did you make it through the day with any cool pranks?! Here's our evening edition to our daily Moon Wisdom: April 1: As our Moon continues her voyage in Virgo, we may have a hard time tapping into the practical "down to earth" energy Virgo has to offer do to dreamy Neptune opposing her and then creating a parallel with surprise packing Uranus. All in all get ready for lots of surprises and fun! This parallel can also give us a nice dose of pyschic-astro energy increasing vivid visions and intuitive awareness. It's a great day to go deep into your god-given gifted areas of existing and put them to good use.

Later in the evening some may be more sensitive so it may be time to lay off the jokes!

Get ready we are in the 3 day Pre-Full Moon cycle!

Spiritual Work: Today is a great day for a psychic or intuitive Full Moon 7 day cycle reading in order to get the most out of Saturdays Total Lunar Eclipse.

Daily Numerology: 4~
The 4 energy seeks security and 'home' is their haven.  People under the influence of the 4 are usually very cerebral, and need to find ways to express their knowledge and wisdom.

The number 4 symbolizes the principle of putting ideas into form.  It signifies work and productivity.  The 4 energy is constructive, realistic, traditional and cautious. 

Daily Herb: Rosewood

Brittany "Tru" Campbell
USUI Reiki Master Teacher
Hatha Yoga Instructor
Midwife Apprentice
Spiritual Readings
Spiritual Supplies

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