Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Moon Harmony Report: Magical Herbs and Moon Charging

Cosmic Grove: Moon Harmony Report
Magical Herbs and Moon Charging
FEB 3: A tough day.  The moon is in Aries and is not getting along with a number of planets today. Emotions will 
Good beautiful day to you! We are continuing into our cycle of giving, receiving and loving in the year 2014. Living in harmony with ALL of nature within our dimension of life on Earth and even our cosmic family has proven throughout the ever changing time of life's existence to be extremely beneficial and empowering. For me it took living a confused out of balance life with a heavy religious foundation, to leaving it all behind, embracing all of nature around me, and regaining my power and inner strength to control my life living my own dream. It hasn't been easy though! It has taken all of 8 years now and I am proud of my transition and I am sure if you are reading this, you are proud of yourself too! You may have gone through a similar transition that has led you to a life of spiritual guidance and balance of oneness. Today I reach deep down into my magical pot to share the tools I used at the very beginning of my spiritual transition that I still embrace today. Yoga was the door opener and herbs took me higher! When Yoga taught me balance and oneness, I unlocked one of my most profound gifts of all the gifts I have, Alchemy. Alchemy is the transfer and/or manipulation of energies to manifest matter in the way you wish. With out all of that fancy smancy talk it means to take thought and manifest it to physical matter, to take words and manifest your physical desire, to take faith, stand on it and see it come to pass. I fell in love with herbs and being at oneness with their power to attract all I wanted and desired. When I first began my magical herbal path I spent all of my bill money at the time creating my first herbal collection. I may I say it was definitely worth every bit! I wanted to know all of the names of the herbs, to identify them with ease, to know the medicinal uses like the back of my hand so I studied, not knowing this was nothing I could force into my head, yet it would unfold over the course of my journey and experience is the best teacher. At the time I immersed myself into herbs, I also fell in love with magic. There are a lot of prayers, chants, meditations, or rituals we can perform without tools, just with thought and words. I must say though including herbal, essential or charged oils totally increases the power of what you want to draw, increase or release in your life. Also candles, crystals, and pictures do wonders too! All in all, if I had to have any addition to a purpose it would be intent charged oils and candles!

How to Make Your Own Magic Oils:
 First know your purpose. If it is to draw money, creating this oil under a waxing Taurus Moon, or an increasing Moon Earth sign will be ideal. If it is to release the hold of an old relationship a waning Venus or Scorpio Moon would be nice. Also if you are creating an increasing or drawing oil you want to begin to make it around to 3 to 4 am as the balance between dark and light is in power and then the light increases, which represent the light of your wishes. If you are creating a banishing or releasing oil begin to make the oil at sunset to release. 
Second gather your ingredients. I like to use a base oil of olive and coconut oil, about a 75 (olive oil)/25 (coconut oil) ratio, yet you can use any oil you like, such as almond, jojoba, sunflower seed, etc. Gather your herbs for your recipe, Essential Oils and also a mason jar. Doing the old school method is very powerful yet takes time, about 3-4 weeks actually, so you may opt for the slow cooker or stove top method if you wish. If you choose to use the quicker method you will need to have a slow cooker/Crock Pot or sauce pan handy. 

Magic Herbal Oil Instructions

Take a clean and sterilized mason jar and pray over the empty jar, herbs, and oil with your intentions, so as the herbs and oils fill you will allow it to take on that energy. Gently scoop and place as much herbs as you can get into your jar leaving about a 25-30% space from the top. Begin to pour the oil over the herbs leaving about a 5-10% space from filling the jar. Make sure all of the herbs should be completely submerged under the oil, if not pour more oil. You can store this oil in a dark place where the energies can come together for your purpose, you will have to shake it daily sometimes 2x a day depending on the intent and repeat the same prayer over the course of the 3-4 weeks. Some people choose to place their jars in the kitchen window where it can get Sun or Moon Light. This is also an option as long as it is room temperature by this window inside of your home. If you choose the crockpot method, you want to fill the crock pot with warm water so it comes half way to the jar. Place the setting on low and allow the jar filled with oils and herbs to steep for 6-8 hours. Make sure to shake the jar occasionally and to check the setting to make sure the oil does not burn. It is ready to use after it has infused for 6-8 hours. Also if you want to try the stove method, it can take less time, about an hour. Create a water bath for the oil. Fill a sauce pan with a couple inches of water - place the closed oil jar in the water, making sure that the water only comes up midway up the glass jar. You do not want water anywhere near the lid or the top of your oil jar. 
Put the heat on medium-low. You want the water bath to be the temperature of a nice hot bath, nowhere near boiling. Allow the water to come to temperature slowly. Do not turn the stove up on high - you risk shattering the glass jar if the temperature changes too abruptly. Heat for an hour, shaking the jar every ten minutes. Allow the jar and mixture to cool enough to handle. You may say how do I know if it's ready. Usually once all of the essences have been extracted from the plant material it will wither to the bottom of the jar. The less plant material that floats at the top of the oil the closer it is to being completely infused. If you have a few herbs floating to the top, no biggie, just use your intuition. For the final touches, place a strainer over a bowl or pour the oil infusion over cheesecloth and squeeze out the oil into a clean bowl. Transfer the oil back to a jar, preferably blue cobalt or a dark colored glass jar for preservation. Add Essential oils of your choice, don't stir it just swirl it clock wise for drawing, counter clockwise for releasing. Before using you want to draw the Moon's energy down into your recipe. The day before using the oil place it outside on the Eve before the Full Moon for increasing and drawing or on the Eve of the New Moon for releasing and banishing. Bring it in before sunrise the next morning and continue with your intent. You can anoint your body, candles, crystals, home, car, etc. with this oil. Enjoy!

Magical Oil Recipes:
An Oil Spell to Create Magical Hunting Money 
Attraction and Love Drawing Oils

Moon Harmony Report 

FEB 5: The moon enters Taurus at 4:46amET and gives us a calmer day. Reach out and connect with the arts, theater, musicals.  You might even want to buy a cow or property!  With Mercury stationing to retrograde tomorrow, the energy is uneven so consider delaying any major purchases until March!

FEB 6: MERCURY RETROGRADE at 4:43pmET.  The Taurus moon continues until 11:48pmET. Please know the placement of your Natal Chart. This can be an excellent oppurtunity for you if your Mercury is Retrograding in your chart during this time. The day is filled with craziness which drives fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aqaurius crazy!  Most of the challneging energy will take place mid to late day but expect the morning to be quippy and indecisive as Mercury hits the brakes. Stick to routine as much as possible today. Mercury rules the signs Gemini and Virgo and many times these two signs find it hard to get a good night’s sleep!  They  may also feel more irritated while Mercury is retrograde. 

FEB 7: The moon is VOID to start the day and then shifs into Gemini at 1:44pmET. This could mean oversleeping, weather delays, etc.  Prepare for the unexpected.  There is angry energy in the evening. See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil!

FEB 8: With the moon continuing in Gemini, conversations and phone calls dominate the day.  You may find you cannot make a firm commitment today. That is fine.. let it be. Sagittarius sun signs need extra rest. Sagittarius sun signs are easily tired today so limit any alcohol consumption.

FEB 9: The moon is still in the butterfly sign of Gemini until 4:08pmET when it goes VOID until after midnight.  It is quite a colorful day!  Enjoy the even energy.  Communications of all kinds are highlighted.

FEB10:  The moon moved into Cancer right after midnight. It brings a pensive mood to the day.  This is a great time for dinner at home with the family. Share a movie.  Bake some cookies!  Call family members and catch up. Feelings are supersensitive so be careful in conversations to avoid hurt feelings. 

FEB 11: The moon continues in Cancer and starts the morning with really tough energy.  This could bring weather and traffic challenges. It is also confusing financial matters so watch the market today. After mid morning, things calm down but then early afternoon there is a burst of strong energy that many will feel as irritating.  Stay steady.  The energy today through the 15th is going to “excitable” at the very least.  Any secrets you have could be exposed over the next few days!  Be aware.

FEB 12:  The moon in Cancer goes VOID early at 5:51amET zipping quickly into LEO at 2:15pmET.  MERCURY happily moves into AQUARIUS where it is more comfortable.  Thoughts turn toward the odd and unusual, social networks, humanitarian causes and everything involvinelectricity.  There is an abundance of energy building for the Full Moon on the 15th. Handle with care!

1 comment:

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