Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ancestral Trees

Ancestral Sacred Trees
Today we honor the trees and land. All trees are sacred and full of life. Trees are our life force emanating oxygen for us to exist and breath. Sacredly trees offer us so much more than oxygen, they offer us wisdom, shelter and love. A lot of our houses are built from trees! In Freetown, Sierra Leone there stands a sacred site where the "Cotton Tree" lives firmly rooted in the Earth with ancient stories of our ancestors who made it back home to Africa in 1792 after being stolen away. When they won their freedom by fighting for the British in the American Independence war they returned back to Sierra Leone landing on the shoreline without anything. They saw this mystical tree just above the bay and made their way to it. On that day they held a Thanksgiving service, gathering around the tree in a huge group, praying and singing hymns to thank god for their deliverance to a free land. They settled there, to this day the Cotton Tree has become a site for offering prayers for peace, prosperity, and freedom.
Do you see the connection in this story and that of the Native Americans who we should also honor on this Thanksgiving Holiday?
The land, rocks, soil and trees are speaking to us this day to honor the land that whispers the wisdom of guidance. Go outdoors today to be one with your land where you live, work, or spend a lot of time. Place your feet in the dirt, rest your spine against a tree, matter of fact hug a tree! Splash water from a river or creek onto your face, if it's snowing where you are honor the snow. Thank the Native Indians of this land and our Ancestors who were brought here, they exist through us. As we heal and bring ourselves to wholeness through oneness with all that exists, we are healing our ancestors. If your family is willing, gather around a tree while saying your prayers and sing a hymn together honoring the ancestors and land. If you have to do it alone, the land and ancestors will surely bless you!
Message of the day: "Forward ever, backwards never." In honoring our ancestors we don't get stuck in the past, we thank them to be inspired to do great things honoring them and lighting the path for those who come after us. 
Today's energy:
Numerology: Today is 27th =9day/November 27, 2013= 8/ Day 322/38 days left in year
Planet of the day: Mercury~ conscious mind, study, travel, divination, and wisdom
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Virgo~ intelligent, practical, reliable, conservative, fussy
Herb of the Day:  Calendula, Burdock, Gardenia
Essential Oil of the Day: Angelica, Lemongrass, Orange
Color of the Day: Orange
Chakra of the Day: Sacral/Svadhisthana
Sound of the Day: Vam
Incense of the Day: Jasmine
Gem/Stone of the Day: Copper, Tigers Eye, Moonstone
Foods for the Day: Fish (food w/omega 3's), tropical fruits, nuts, orange colored foods
Yoga Pose of the Day: Triangle, Cobra, Goddess
Book to Read Today: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Today's Meditation:
Go out into nature and embrace oneness with the air, sun, water, and trees/land. Clear your mind and body through your breath and merge with spirit. Began to give thanks to our African and Native Indian Ancestors for their love, guidance, and wisdom. Leave an offering for them. Ase’ and Amen

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