Friday, November 22, 2013

Prosperity is within you, Reach Your dreams!

You are Abundant!

Happy Saturday to you!! It's officially the weekend and you may be lucky to have some me time and relax some over the next few days. If you are always on the go like me, today is the day we will whisper to ourselves, "I love you, it's time for me!!" So no more excuses, we are definitely taking at least 5-10 minutes today to breathe through our whole body, clear the mind, affirm the positive energy within, and smile. If we do not already know the answer to today's question we are about to find out. Today is the day to ask yourself, what is my purpose? This answer is important because it will be the foundation of your life, and everything in your life will begin to make sense. It will also give you a good sense of direction, belonging, and inspiration to stay on point!
The season of Autumn (Sept. 21-Dec.20) is governed by the element of Earth, and zodiacs of Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Within this energy the Earth is becoming dry and cold, we are literally cozying on down into the energy of the Earth. We are in hibernation mode, to go within and seek. Spiritually this is an excellent time to get to know yourself, the real you before you were told what to do by others that wanted you to be a certain way. It is also a great time to become one with the likeness of the things around you that represent Earth. (home life/home stability, finances/money, work, sex, purpose) So each day until the Winter Solstice we will journey on a path to become Earth. This is the secrets of the Shaman, Witch, and Priestesses. Once you are the element you can create and manifest what ever you wish (alchemy). You need some rain, well I am rain, so how about I make it rain!!! I am fire, and we need some fire to stay warm, so set some fire on these _____, lol in my Kevin Hart voice : ) Any who you get my jest. The Universe is abundant and we are apart of her/him, we live in the universe on Earth, on land, in a house. Everything that exists is within us, so anything that we want we shall have. We are Earth.

Message of the Day: "You are light, you are love, You are the very energy that has created all of the heavens and Earth. You are not your thoughts or experiences, these just help you spread your light and love."

Energies of Today
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. Enjoy!

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Numerology: Today is 30th =3 day/November 30, 2013= 2/ Day 334/31 days left in year
Planet of the day: Saturday/Saturn~ Longevity, endings, homes, houses, routines, reaping rewards after hard work
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Scorpio/Water Sign~ increase awareness of psychic powers, healing, transformations, mysteries revealed
Herb of the Day: Chamomile, Sage, Red Clover 
Essential Oil of the Day: Mint, Cypress, Sage, Lavender, Chamomile
Color of the Day: White/Blue
Chakra of the Day: Throat/Vishuddhi
Sound of the Day: Ham
Incense of the Day: Violet
Gem/Stone of the Day: Blue Agate, Turquoise, Aquamarine
Tree of the Month: Luis~Rowan
Medicine Card of the Day: Elk~ Card 3
Foods for the Day: Sea Plants, Soups, Sauces, Fresh Juice
Yoga Pose of the Day: Shoulder Stand, Bridge, Plow
What to Read Today: Ancestors: Sacred Serpent

Today's Meditation:
Grab your favorite (or any) pen/pencil and paper. Surround yourself in a peaceful environment where you will not be disturbed for 5-10 minutes. If it suits you smudge, light a candle, incense, but please no music or distractions. We seek to go within. If it is warm where you are, stand with your back against your favorite tree, bare feet in the Earth. If you are inside bring to mind that you are standing with your back against your favorite tree. Close your eyes, and feel your breath. Repeat I love me, I love myself, I am love to yourself silent 3x, aloud 3x, and louder 3 more times. Continue to breathe. Breathe in slow and deep, with each inhale bring in the abundant and calming energy of the tree. With each exhale feel your feet and legs becoming the tree. Continue, allow your torso to become the trunk of the tree, while raising your arms imagine they are becoming the branches of the tree, and your fingers the leaves of the tree. Your arms are now stretched to the sky, to the sun, the heavens. Feel a sense of pure light pouring over your leaves (your fingers), flowing through your branches, trunk, roots, and further more beneath the Earth your foundation. This is the cosmic life force that knows everything, it is the abundance of the universe telling you, you can have whatever you want, you are here for a purpose. If a negative thought comes in that says no you can't have it, you're a nobody, simply allow it to flow out of your mind like a leaf in the wind. Rest your arms and have a seat in front of the tree. Dig your feet in the dirt if you can!! Begin to write a list (this is your prosperity sheet) without contemplating much, on all the things you ever wanted, on how you would like your life to be if you had all the wisdom, prosperity and abundance in the world. Now remember don't say I don't have this much or I'll never have it but I want it anyway. Just flow with the prosperity energy of the tree and write these things down. When you are finished take 5 deep breaths in and out. Center yourself again, allow yourself to smile, you are on your way to get your dreams. Now ask yourself what is my purpose? This answer may not come right away, but when it does I am sure it will align with most of the things you have written on your prosperity sheet, now write your purpose down too. When you have completed your daily meditation, fold this paper and put it under your pillow safely until the new moon, when the moon is new, take your paper, and a seed and bury them together where you will walk everyday.
For a dream goal sheet email:


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