Sunday, November 24, 2013

Guidance of the Ancestors & Angels

Oneness with Our Ancestors & Angels
It tis Sunday the day of the Sun the first day of the week and the divine day of the soul. It's 4a.m. and my ancestors are here. I feel a smooth tingling vibration all over my body, this is the way they physically communicate to me that they are here. We are always surrounded by our ancestors and angels, some of us have lost our way of talking with them in childhood, some of us kept this power or have regained it like myself. As we grow up we are told it is nonsense to talk to something we can not see, which is bananas. Anciently as a child turning into teens we were encouraged and trained to be one with all that exists especially ancestors. We also witnessed everyone around us communicating with spirit.  
Africa is not called the Mother Land for no reason, she is literally the mother of the lands, and what do the mothers do? Create, manifest, give birth, nurture, teach, mold and train. Africa has done just that. We live on a water planet and our beautiful loving Moon not only assist us with our gravitational field but also has a natural rhythm and oneness with the waters on Earth. Africa is the first land to be birthed from the waters, the first land that was inhabited by our human ancestors, the first land to ascend in connecting our Earth to the cosmic field of stars, planets, galaxies, dimensions and star family. The scientist were floored once they came over to see that we knew the same thing they did and much more with no fancy instruments, we relied on spirit, ancestral communication to guide us.
We all have ancestors, our closest ancestors are our family members who we knew and loved and who wish to see us prosper and grow. We also have angels who are also sometimes considered ascended masters who work directly through the infinite, like the creators personal assistants. They do not intervene with our everyday tasks, yet when we call out for their assistance they gently guide us. We may be nudged to turn the radio or tv station just in time to hear or see what we needed, we may "accidentally" walk into the wrong store only to see a flyer referencing just what you need. This is the doing of our ancestors and spirit family.

It will benefit you greatly to acknowledge and  build a realtionship with your ancestors and/or angels, it's one of the best pieces of advice I will ever give. Remember we are SPIRITUAL/ LIGHT SOULS having a "human" experience on Earth. We already have connections on Earth, we also need our spiritual family near by to stay connected during this journey. You can start by gathering pictures of your favorite loved ones who have passed, share stories with elders in your families of your ancestors, or just have a moment to share remembrances among yourself. (Oct.31-Nov.2 each year we celebrate our ancestors with day of the dead, dia de los muertos) Also share stories with your family or sacred community about angel experiences, purchase angel statues or print angel pictures from the internet. If you have sacred space add them to your altar or better yet create a shrine just for them. Just acknowledging them through thoughts and prayers will create a strong connection. You will get to know the way your angels or ancestors want to communicate with you quite quickly. Depending on the situation it could be through sound, smell, voice, loud noise, or an auric touch. Your intuition will pick up because they will constantly send you messages, your dreams will increase while you're in the spirit world, physically asleep, your life will feel whole for you have a connection to spirit and physical. 

Message of the Day: "Spirit Guides" allow spirit to guide you, not the physical eye. Tune into your brow chakra, I call this the 1st eye.

Today's Energies: 
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. Enjoy!

Numerology: Today is 24th =6 day/November 24, 2013= 5/ Day 324/41 days left in year
Planet of the day: Sun/Star~ Light, strength, passion, life force,love 
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Leo~ fire, passion, generosity, power, determination
Herb of the Day: Ginger, Lemon Balm. Rosemary 
Essential Oil of the Day: Rosemary, Lemongrass, Grapefruit
Color of the Day: Yellow/Gold
Chakra of the Day: Solar Plexus
Sound of the Day: Ram
Incense of the Day: Sandalwood/Cinnamon
Gem/Stone of the Day: Yellow Calcite, Gold, Topaz
Foods for the Day: Lemons, Squash, pumpkin, spicy foods
Yoga Pose of the Day: Warrior Pose/Sun Salutation
Book to Read Today: Spirit Guides Angel Guardians 
by Richard Webster

Today's Meditation:
Grab a notebook/paper and pen/pencil when you have alone time. Come to your sacred space and become one with your breath. Clear the mind, only have thoughts of your breath. We will practice Breath of Fire. This will allow the breath to purify the body, it increases energy and intuitive awareness through the pineal gland. Sitting nice and tall, place your hand on your belly, take a full inhalation and slowly exhale. Inhale again, exhale forcefully in a quick and fast pace for 10 counts focusing on the exhales. You are essentially pumping the belly. On the last one allow a nice exhale. (with practice you can increase the breath counts) Return to your natural  breath. Calm the mind. We are going to find our spirit guide.
Bring to mind your favorite place in nature. If it's a forest smell the trees and earth beneath your feet, hear the birds and seeds dropping to the forest floor, see the tall tress and rustled leaves. Feel safe and serene. You see a huge rock over looking a stream, go and have a seat on that rock. You take off your shoes, sit comfortably and close your eyes. You hear someone coming behind you and a soft and gentle hand touches your shoulder, you turn around. The person or energy you see is your spirit guide. They sit next to you and you smile feeling at ease to have finally met the one. You walk and talk until it's time to go. Your spirit guide whispers I am always with you and vanishes. Write down your experiences. (If someone you know pops up that is not in the spirit realm you may want to clear your mind more and try again.)
Happy Day of the Sun!

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