Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Moon Wisdom: March 23, 2015

The Earth is Calling, Go Play Outside!

Good Morning Monday! Here's our daily Moon Wisdom~ Mar 23: Our Moon continues in Taurus until 9:24amCT, she will be void the rest of the day while she journeys into the constellation of Gemini. Monday will be a very laid back day and will give you time to take things slow or rest. Make it a thing to play in the Earth or plant some flowers today~

Spiritual Work: It's a great day to plant seeds of goals and dreams and plant them. You can still create your New Moon checks at this time!

Numerology Energy: Daily Number 7~  Manifesting & Manifestation, good time for fortune.

Herb of the Day: Oat Seed

Make it an awesome day!

Brittany "Tru" Campbell
USUI Reiki Master Teacher
Hatha Yoga Instructor
Student Midwife
Spiritual Readings
Spiritual Supplies

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