Sunday, March 15, 2015

Working With Your Ancestors

"The Language of Love through the Spiritual Veil"
This picture is of my beautiful sister-friend Tshepeso and I. She's such an amazing artist, activist, and woman. She is now in ancestorland and comes to me quite often through garments and creations that she made for me while she was here. It's her way of saying don't forget me, I'm here for you. She'll remind me to wear the purse she made for me for important meetings, she says, "It's good luck, I'm looking out for you!"Our Ancestors are like our guardian angels, yet they are apart of our family, our DNA, our makeup. Those who you know that have passed on wish you well your Earth journey. They watch over you, send you messages in awesome ways, and they may lead you to some really cool places. Some are sensitive to the energies of the other world and some are oblivious to it. Once you began to tap in and honor those who love or have known you that are now in the other realm, doors and opportunities began to open. Why? Because they have the key and the ability to see in this world and "invisible" spiritual world. They see your past, where you are now, and where you're headed. Sometimes they may intervene if we are heading in a direction that is absolutely not beneficial to us, and sometimes they will allow us to learn our wisdom and stand back. Below are some tips of tuning into our ancestors and loved ones who have passed on. They just want to be remembered, talked to and listened to. Keeping your relationship strong is essential for the spiritually inclined person, and I must say, it is one of the most beneficial gems of living and existing on Earth, the ability to see and communicate in multi-dimensional ways. So what to do?

1. Create a Space
Set up a space honoring your ancestor (ancestors). It can be on a closet floor, backyard patio or a small space in the basement. It's best to have their sacred space close to the earth because that's where their body rests. You may add pictures, special items that belonged to them, statues etc., to create a nice area for them. Always keep a fresh bowl of water (for communication, no salt inside, that wards off the ancestors), and a lit candle in their space (to represent their soul is still alive, battery operated candles are safer to keep lit).

2. Spending Time with your Ancestors
Once a week, (preferably the same day each week), feed your ancestor (a full meal that you've cooked for your family or their favorite meal), place a glass cup or glass bowl of fresh water in the space, light a new candle, and offer them something special like wine, hennesey, or pound cake. Some may think they may not eat it so it's a waste, it's more of an offering for them, they smile at the fact of recieving gifts and items from you and therefore will always honor, guide and protect you. If you wish you may also offer them fresh flowers. Every Monday I share a meal with my ancestors and take a bit of time to pray with them, honor the blessings that I've received the past week, and listen for any messages for the upcoming week. It reminds me of when my Aunt was living and I would go to see her back in the Country of Corsicana, Texas. She would always smile at me, feed me good food and give me advice. Even though she's passed on, I can continue to have that same relationship with her and it's one of the most beautiful gifts in life!

3. Trace Your Roots
I can not explain in words the deep inner feeling I recieved once I recieved stories of my ancestors through my father and grandmother. Once I made way in connecting everyone in our family tree on my whole life had a new meaning and perspective. I would highly recommend each and every person living to create a family tree (and keep it going to pass on to your little ones and family members), talk with your parents and living family members to compile the story of your family and life. You never know what treasure you may discover!

4. Listen
The most important tip of working with your ancestors is to listen. There are many signs that may come through smell, sight, dreams, or sound to guide you. You may have prayed, asked for help or answers to questions in your life, or for strength to succeed. Your ancestors hear you, they are the medium between our infinite creator and you. They will deliver ways of assisting you based on your lifestyle and connection with them. The key is once they start talking they may never stop! LOL. But do remember to take heed to the wisdom you hear from them and follow it through. Quite a few times I've ignored signs just to say, "I wish I would've listened, now I have to get myself out of this mess." Then they will stand back and allow you to maneuver your life back on track, and if you ask again they will come, just make sure to listen next time!

All in all, live your life fully connected and to the best of your ability. Being disconnected to the ones before you or the other side is like never going outside and only living in your house! LOL. There is no for sure way to connect with your ancestors so make it your own and enjoy the journey!
Brittany "Tru" Campbell
USUI Reiki Master Teacher
Hatha Yoga Instructor
Student Midwife
Spiritual Readings
Spiritual Supplies


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