Saturday, March 21, 2015

New Moon, Solar Eclipse, Spring Equinox

Happy New Year Earth

by Brittany "Tru" Campbell
Today is such a power packed day sandwiched between two humungous eclipses, with another occurring on April 4, 2015. This morning at 4:47am CDT, our Moon eclipsed in with our sun in Pisces. You may have felt a deep sense of letting go of past worries, fears and problems. Throughout the night and early morning you may have felt the solution to your problems becoming clear and more attainable. Later on in the morning at 5:30 a.m. our Moon moved forward and engaged with the  the sign of Aries at 0' with the Sun harmonizing in the same degree and sign of Aries at 5:46 p.m. We have so many new beginnings in the most beautiful ways.  All things good for us happens during a New Moon Lunar Eclipse no matter how it's packaged. What is right for you at this time will deeply manifest in your life, changing you forever. The ease of this transition is up to you.  It can seem un-nerving, uprooting, or difficult to deal with such major changes or transformations at a seconds notice, yet the changes you may face are really your soul's desires, changes necessary for your emotional, especially spiritual, and earthly growth and ascension.

Aries is governed by Mars and deals with fighting for what you want or believe in agressively. It will also pull on our soul for that creative fire that could've died down during Winter. Aries Ram is pushing forward to open doors, and spill out our true creative powers far out and way different from what others are doing or expecting you to do. Expect burst of new energy and ways of creating, expect different perspectives to find you through messages, look for ways to bring forth your newness and the most important areas of your life, this is such a perfect time. There are som many opportunities for new beginnings. Our entire Astrological calendar is starting anew today as well, so dive into the energy!

Things To Do during the 3 day energy: (March 20-22)

Self Pampering: Create a at Home Spa Day or Pamper yourself to do something you've wanted to for a very long time

Re-Connecting with the Earth: Our Earth is breathing, reviving, and alive. Sit with her and nature while basking in the sun and feeling the air.

Planting Seeds: Focus on dreams or goals to attract in your life at this time. Pick out seeds that closely resemble you and your goal, meditate with the seeds in your hands while infusing the energy into them. Plant them while the Moon is waxing.

Having Fun: Hang out with people in your life who bring you complete joy!

Cleanse your Body,Mind and Spirit: Cleanse your body by going on a 3 day Moon Diet. Cleanse your mind for saying positive affirmations for 3 days. Cleanse your home gradually over the Spring weekend, re-decorating it to fit the season.

Love Tru~


The Cosmic Grove
Brittany "Tru" Campbell
USUI Reiki Master Teacher
Hatha Yoga Instructor
Midwife Apprentice
Spiritual Readings
Spiritual Supplies

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