Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Moon Wisdom: Wednesday March 25, 2015

It's Wednesday Bless Up!

Take advantage of this time of our Moon being in Gemini and gather with family or friends today. Gemini Moon's also brings a lot of indecision so watch for that today. Today may be a little bit more difficult for Virgo signs to get things together. Make it the best!

Spiritual Work: Talking with your ancestors. Talking to your inner child to heal any family wounds.

Numerology Energy: 9 The ability to see clearly. Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, the concept of lightworking and lightworkers, universal spiritual laws, and karma.

Herb of the Day: Echinacea~ Build your Immunity!

Brittany "Tru" Campbell
USUI Reiki Master Teacher
Hatha Yoga Instructor
Midwife Apprentice
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