Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Harmony Report: Aquarius New Black Moon

Cosmic Grove Harmony Report 
January 29-January 31st

Happy Day Moon Lovers! Wow are we in the moment of true power and a divine energy of freedom! We are currently in the alignment of our Sun, Moon and Earth and in the New Moon phase. This particular New Moon is the bomb and extra potent for two beautiful reasons. One: it is our second New Moon this year which makes it a Black Moon something that happens only once in a year, and Two: : It is a Super Moon which means it's closeness to the Earth in proximity is extremely close which increases it's magnetic energy field to us. The energy of the Earth is literally shifting at this time physically and spiritually. This New Moon peaks on Thursday January 30, 2014 at 4:38pm ET in beautiful, inventive and free flowing Aquarius. This New Moon welcomes you to take charge, free up, awaken energies of yourself that you are not expressing, and definitely tap into your powers working more with family and community vs. self. Aquarius's are the change, they are the bold energy of stepping outside of the box and succeeding while you're in your own little weird lane. If you have deep desires that you are not fulfilling due to what others may think or out dated morals, shake them off, let them go and allow yourself the treat to live your life to the fullest. This is the time to take action. All New Moon's have the foundational energy of purification, release, new opportunities, new relationships, new dimensions, and change. This particular New Moon increases all of your opportunities, powers, wishes and desires to let go and attract what you want X10!! So tap in and enjoy. Today is the eve of the New Moon so it is an excellent time to prepare yourself for your New Moon Ceremony, Prayers, or Rituals. To find out what you will need to do on this special day. Take a moment to step outside of the box and look as if you were in the sky looking down. See what things need more power, what things have taken some of your energy but are not working, see what things have been buried and crying to come out and play. Give life to these things and center your rituals around this. Aquarius is the water bearer, pour some new life on it, most of all, Enjoy!!

JAN 29: The moon starts the day still in CAPRICORN and then enters VOID at 11:47amET. It remains VOID all day until 11:33pmET when it enters AQUARIUS. VOID moon days always bring up the “expedt the unexpected” forecast! The energy today is a roller coaster ride.  It is best to stay on target with tasks. Pay bills, glance at the budget for the year and see if any adjustments need to be made. This is not a good day for dental visits unless absolutely necessary.

JAN 30:  NEW MOON at 4:38pmET in AQUARIUS –  Happy Birthday Aquarius!  Today is a high energy day. Watch out for electrical overloads.  Machines may “burp” and go down unexpectedly.  Airlines may be overwhelmed with delays. Enjoy socializing today while keeping most people at a distance. Today is not the day to invite in new friendships.

JAN 31:  The last day of the month is LOADED WITH ENERGY!!! The moon will be in AQUARIUS until 11:45amET when it enters VOID until tonight at 10:45pm. During the day, MERCURY shifts out of AQUARIUS and into PISCES and VENUS stations DIRECT.  There could be some serious weather events involving snow and ice. There is also an earth shifting energy, perhaps flooding? Landslide? Be alert to weather changes, especially if travelling.  Double check all bank account information for mistakes. Be raedy to take action for only a few days (Feb 1,2,3 and that’s pushing it!) before MERCURY goes RETROGRADE on FEB 6!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cosmic Grove: Scorpio Moon~ The Power of Sex

Scorpio Moon
Happy Thursday Fam! Our beautiful Moon is transitioning into Scorpio this afternoon at 4:43pm ET. The early part of today will be a void energy until the Moon reaches Scorpio, so hold off on major decisions or purchases until later today. So we all know the prized and fame Scorpio energy is about to set some things off right!? Well yea, that's what Scorpio energy is all about, stirring the pot, to let go, transform, rise up, oh yea and get Revenge!! Scorpio's rule creation, and are the masters of shape shifting. They govern the sexual organs, yoni, womb, ovaries, penis and prostate. Scorpios also govern the spiritual power of creating life, rising the energy that enhances the fertilization of the egg to awaken conception. So imagine if we use the Scorpio energy the next two days to give life to other areas of our existence that need it. Scorpio's also hold the power of the ancient sexual rituals, and the mysteries of the sex. Sex anciently is the intent to merge material earth energy with the cosmic energy to manifest desires on the physical planes. The woman carries the portal of the heavens within her yoni and womb, the man representing the earth material is entering the portal of the woman, together they can manifest what so ever they desire if the sexual ritual is carried out properly. In primordial times this ritual and act was done through the woman and the trance dance. She would leave her village during her menses (new moon), retreat and tap into her power (waxing moon), fast until the Full Moon, raising power by dancing all night and merging with the spirit of the infinite to create life and bring down the wishes of her people. In modern day we know this as the timeless wisdom and sexual manifestation of Tantra and Taoist practices. Scorpios are the only sign with 3 symbols to represent the energy they carry, the scorpion (root chakra), the snake (sacral chakra-brow chakra), and the phoenix (crown chakra). It coincides with the 3 major moon phases, New/Waning the darkness and Crone, the underworld where the mysteries and power are held within the womb center. The Waxing Moon, the maiden, increasing energy and the life force (fertility) awakens throughout the body. The Full Moon, the culmination of power when you are flying high, and creating or birthing life. 

Pluto governs Scorpio's and is the underworld dwarf planet, the furthest away in our galaxy. If you notice Scorpio's are reclusive, they are social yet mysterious and will only extend so much of themselves to others, unless it's sex! Pluto's power carries the ability to destruct, eliminate, transform, and do it all over again. So if you know a Scorpio it may always seem like they are going through some type of major phase of change, and it's because they're water and are always shifting according to their path on Earth. It is easier for them however than any other sign to abruptly and impulsively let go, do what they want, and rebuild if they have to. Scorpion energy is extremely intuitive, their psychic powers are keenly high, and they are dreamers. If a Scorpion lives in harmony and awareness of these gifts you will see them to be walking oracles. So let's get to the revenge part! With our Moon in Scorpio until Saturday we will feel the energy of needing to let go of some unnecessary people and energy in our lives and maybe to get back at someone who made us feel some type of way. Keep those stingers in people, let's do it the right way! With our Moon waning and Aquarius in the Sun we are supported by Scorpio to go into the darkness and banish energies from others away from us, and make changes to our environment for peace and new oppurtunities. Now if you want to express your feelings to someone, and you think it may come out a bit harshly wait until the Sagittarius Moon energy on Sunday January 26. Say what you have to say without the intent to hurt someone. All in all, have fun and enjoy the vibes! 

Infinite's Message of the Day: 

"Sex is sacred, sex is magic, utilize your spirit, mind, emotions and body in that order and powerfully your heaven will merge with your moment of ecstasy."

Meditation of the day:
Sit in a space of peace, gently tune into the rhythm of your breath. Light candles, incense if you like, and nice romantic music. Allow your wishes to come to mind whether they are your wishes alone or including your significant other or future partner. Imagine these energies in your mind. As you breathe focus your exhale expanding in your sexual power. Each exhale merge your wishes down with your Yoni or Jade Stick. Hold this power, feel it, sense it, become it. Journal your thoughts and feelings. Share it with your lover and allow them to do the same thing. When it is time for intimacy encourage one another to tap into their sexual powers while imagining the things you want to manifest. Let this sexual experience not be all about orgasms or physical stimulation, more of magic and sacred connection to merge the divine between you two, opening the way for the heavens to merge with your spirits. When you are finished and back to the Earth plane, have faith that your wishes will met you in divine time. Do this as often as possible and you and your lover will have an abundant life on all levels.

Energies of Today:
Embrace the energies of today and merge yourself with the expressions of the cosmic heavens and earth. Click on the underlined link to learn more about the topics. 

 Numerology: Today is 23 =5 day/January 23, 2014=4/ Day 23/342 days left in year

Planet of the day: Jupiter/ Thursday~is a YANG or male energy ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and luck. This day has the energies of luck, growth, expansion, generosity, male fertility, olden men, masculine side of the female, legal matters, health, honor, wealth, clothing, desires, men’s professions and spiritual attainment.

Sun Sign: Aquarius/Air Sign Jan.20 - Feb.18~ Visionaries, progressive peacemakers, silly, life of the party, and passionate. Aquarius energy showers the world with new thoughts and ideas to make the world a better place. 

Moon Sign of the Day: Scorpio at 4:43pm ET~ Increases awareness in psychic gifts, power, secrets, mysteries, sexual magic, fundamental transformations. Healing rituals concerning the sexual energies and reproduction organs are done during this time. 

Herbs of the Day:  Rosemary, Lemon Balm, Marshmallow Root

Essential Oils of the Day: Grapefruit, Lemon, Bergamont

Colors of the Day: Royal Purple and Royal Blue

Chakra of the Day: Nabhi/3rd/Abdominal/Solar Plexus

Sound of the Day: Ram

Incense of the Day: Rosemary

Gem/Stone of the Day: Amber, Gold, Citrine

Foods for the Day: The solar plexus chakra gives us the spark we need to get things done and keeps that flame burning bright within to transform our energy inside and out. Problems here can arise when we are set on fire, go into overdrive, and lose our power. However, you can harness your energy and power to transform by looking at what foods you give yourself over to—do you deplete your body with sugars, soft drinks, and artificial sweeteners? Step into your power once again by eating more frequently through the day and by eating foods that sustain your energy, like low glycemic complex carbohydrates. Foods for power and transformation: Complex carbohydrates, fiber, whole grains, legumes, yellow-colored foods.

Medicine Card of the Day: The Hawk Card 2: Messenger
Hawk is akin to Mercury, the messenger of the gods. Hawk medicine teaches you to be
observant, to look at your surroundings. Observe the obvious in everything that you do. Life is
sending you signals. Life in the initiation. If you have pulled the Hawk card, then right now a clue about the magic of life is being brought to you. This magic can imbue you with the power of overcome a currently stressful or difficult situation. The test is your ability to observe the nuances of power lurking nearby. 

Tree of the Day: Oak

Yoga Pose of the Day: Tantra Yoga

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cosmic Grove: Harmony Report Jan. 22

Cosmic Grove
"Embodying the Moon's Energy"

Happy Wednesday Fam! I share with you today the energies for the week ahead as we prepare for our second New Moon in January in Aquarius. Today our Moon is waning and we are in the constellation of Libra and our Sun in Aquarius for the duo of the Air signs! As the Moon wanes it is an excellent time for in depth reading, studying, inner meditations, divinations and reflections. For those of us who like to work with magic and rituals alongside the energy of the Moon, this is an excellent time to do banishing, cleansing, and inner power magical work. During the waning Moon the power goes down from the crown to the soles of the feet, it goes inward towards the darker, mysterious, and unconscious sides of our beings. If we are banishing energies we do not need, we pull them out of our darker selves and send them to the darkness of the Moon and underground to the Earth releasing it's bind on us. We remember the purpose the experience had in our lives, release it, and move on. For me this is a time of inner reflection, of releasing things that keep me from accomplishing my goals. I've noticed that writing late at night vs. during the day is better for me because the children are asleep, the house is quiet, and my spirit is higher. Since writing during the day is not as beneficial for me, I have released blockages that may keep me from writing at night, like excuses of tiredness and allowing distracting phone conversations take my energy instead of applying it to my work. It is not easy though! Merging with the power of the Moon has assisted me in so many ways. Being aware of the things that don't serve any purpose in my life or inhibits my growth, allows me to use the power of the Moon to make changes and be better. This is also the energy of Libra and the Moon. Realizing choices we need to make to increase health, abundance, and pure joy in our lives. I have to remove my emotion and attachment to things that I know may not be for me in this time and space. In removing my emotions I am able to make logical decisions based on my life and my children's lives.
Understanding the cycles of the moon is not easy but it is simple. Some of us just love the Moon because of it's beauty and power, understanding the energy will just put the cherry on top! I will explain the cycles and energy of the Moon.

New Moon: The New Moon is when the Moon is it's darkest due to the illuminated side of the Moon being pointed away from the Earth. Every New Moon the Sun and Moon are in the same constellation and the Moon is between the Earth and Sun. The only time you can see the Moon when it is New is when there is a Solar Eclipse. A Solar Eclipse is when the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun and the Moon's shadow is cast upon the Earth. The energy of the New Moon is new beginnings, increase in life, increase in power, growth, abundance, opportunities, releasing the old, banishing, and clearing rituals. Anciently the New Moon was the time of Menstruation for women and the New Moon also represents the Crone, the Wise Mother. Prosperity and Cleansing Rituals are ideal during this time. 
Moon Tip #1: The constellation that the Moon starts it's new phase in leads the way. If you know the order of the zodiacs this part will be easy breezy for you! Our New Moon next week is in Aquarius, which means in about 2 days it will move to Pisces, then Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and then Capricorn. We know Aries starts the zodiac, but since the New Moon started in Aquarius we follow the cycle of the Moon with the next zodiac. Moon Tip #2: Every New Moon the Moon shares the same sign as the Sun.

Waxing Moon: The Waxing Moon is when the Moon leaves the same constellation/zodiac as the Sun and begins to increase in size, the crescent. The Moon is on it's journey around the Earth for about 14 days. The Waxing Moon is governed by the Maiden the virgin woman. It represents fertility, sexual powers, freedom, passion, journeys, increased growth, and the energy rising from the feet towards the crown. Fertility, abundance, career, and travel Rituals are ideal during this time.

Full Moon: The Full Moon is the culmination of Power. The energy has now reached the crown from the soles of the feet and your crown is illuminated with a strong antenna connection to the spirit world and heavens. This is the time dreams, intuition, clairvoyance, psychic powers, and magic is at it's peak. The Moon's gravitational pull on your spirit and emotional body is strong and is asking you to align yourself with the present force. The Full Moon represents the Mother, ovulation, the time to ignite the Kundalini Tantric sex powers to create a life in the womb. If you are already pregnant this phase signifies giving birth, the peak of the pregnancy. Celebration Rituals for the blessings received from the New Moon is idea. Ancestral Communication, Divination, and Rituals to charge all energies are ideal during this time. 

Waning Moon: The waning Moon is a time of quiet and peace. It is when the Moon's light is going to the other side away from the Earth and getting closer to the Sun where the light is no longer reflected upon the Earth. It's a time to rest, observe, and draw your power within. The Dark Moon also represents the Crone and the stage of Menopause. It is a time when the menses has stopped and in turn the woman's power is increased within and she no longer releases it to the Earth. Rituals surrounding grounding, homes, environment, stability, and home cleansing's are ideal.

Intuitive Moon Expressions January 22-29, 2014
-Spiritual Ground-
JAN 22:  The moon remains in LIBRA until later tonight when it slips into VOID until tomorrow afternoon. The energy today is HARSH and YUCKY!  Ugh, ugh!  Try to make it your best day any who! Late afternoon and evening are the best times. Be patient. Do not over think issues.  GIVE of your time and yourself to balance the “what about me” feeling of today.

JAN 23:  The moon is VOID until 4:43pmET when it enters SCORPIO, Yay! A day to withdraw and think about all that has happened so far this month.  Enjoy some time alone with your thoughts.  Be careful of any energies that seems like seeking revenge. Keep those stingers in check!

JAN 24: The moon is still in SCORPIO and today has more energy, all positive, thankfully!  Not bad at all. A lot can be accomplished.  Intuition is sharp. An excellent time for scrying, divinations, and sexual magic. See your doctor if you have any problems with your chest area. 

JAN 25:  The moon goes VOID at 8:55amET until late night at 10:13pmET when it moves into abrupt and frank speaking SAGITTARIUS.  The day is essentially a VOID day so expect delays and changes in plans. But also watch for lucky things to happen!  Today is a Good Luck Day, Yay!

JAN 26:  The moon is again in SAGITTARIUS and demands TRUTH!  Although sometimes people can be too direct and sharp with words under this energy, it is a time when people appreciate honestly.  So, be measured with the way you deliver your words so as not to hurt others feelings unnecessarily!

JAN 27:  The moon still in SAGITTARIUS until 5:02pmET when it goes VOID until midnight. The day is pleasant with no angry energy just a lot of it that can turn into negative stuff if not put into positive projects!  Watch for unusual skin problems like an unexpected rash. If this occurs, limit alcohol intake!

JAN 28:  The moon enters CAPRICORN at 12:04amET.  The morning is positive and brings an element of GOVT into play.  Be careful in all handling of monies. Watch your bank account.  Be sure elderly parents are well.  Money is shaking all around the world!

JAN 29: The moon starts the day still in CAPRICORN and then enters VOID at 11:47amET. It remains VOID all day until 11:33pmET when it enters AQUARIUS. VOID moon days always bring up the “unexpected” forecast! The energy today is a roller coaster ride.  It is best to stay on target with tasks. Pay bills, glance at the budget for the year and see if any adjustments need to be made. This is not a good day for dental visits unless absolutely necessary.

JAN 30:  NEW MOON at 4:38pmET in AQUARIUS –  Happy Birthday Aquarius!  Today is a high energy day. Watch out for electrical overloads.  Machines may “burp” and go down unexpectedly.  Airlines may be overwhelmed with delays. Enjoy socializing today while keeping most people at a distance. Today is not the day to invite in new friendships.

Enjoy Family!
Tune in Wednesday Morning at 8am ET for Cosmic Grove Radio!
We will discuss the Moon Transits and how to embody the energy followed by free intuitive readings. Call in early 818-369-0368

Cosmic Grove: The Harmony of Maat

Moon Transitions to Libra
"The Oneness of Love and Purpose"

Happy Tuesday Fam! Our Moon settled into the Maat constellation of Libra ruled by Venus at 8:43am EST, and we are pressed to make choices about what is right and wrong in our lives, not to judge ourselves perse' but to bring about peace and balance. Do we choose to keep doing things that make our heart feel good but our lives a chaotic mess? Do we choose to keep doing things that is bad for our planet, bad for humanity but that satisfies us? You may experience questions like these pertaining to choices to make in your life that are for the betterment of you in a holistic view. Maat is an ancient Goddess of Kemet (Egypt) that is the energy of truth, righteousness, justice, law, and morality. At death she would weigh your heart against a feather, and if your heart is light as or lighter than the feather you were free to ascend to the afterlife, if your heart was heavier than the feather your ascension after death will have to undergo a different path. Goddess Maat brings the energy of you being responsible for your own life and right way of living. During this time it will be fairly easy to speak our minds about our truths and passions. We are already crowned by the Sun traveling through Aquarius exerting an energy of expressing your gifts and inventive endeavors to change your personal life as well as those around you. The next couple of days is all about finding the right time to express your truths, your desires, so that you have justice in life, a fair chance, and you live in balance for the most part. I'm especially excited about this pair because it gives me the supported energy on both sides to speak my mind about women's wisdom and past as well as to publish these truths and arts to transform and empower women all over. So join me in walking further, deeper and higher on your path by tapping into the energy of our Air Signs for freedom of speech and love of all humanity! Enjoy your day loves. 

Tommorrow Join us for our Early Morning Show at 8am EST: 

Cosmic Grove~ Intuitive Moon Predictions for the week ahead and Free Intuitive Readings

Call in 818-369-0368 or logon

Infinite's message of the day: "Make choices not just for your self but for your planet and the people of your planet, we are all one, your choices affect us all." 

Meditation of Today:

View a copy of the 42 Laws of Maat. Find a quiet space to settle into. Gently tune into your breath and find your source of energy as you inhale and exhale. Bring to mind the 42 laws of Maat or laws of nature. Allow the ones that resonate with your life to come forward. The laws that usually jump out are the ones that you should focus on balancing in your life. Not harshly judging yourself but realizing that if you work towards right mind and balance, life will be so much better. The 42 laws of Maat were basic principles that keeps you in a state of responsibility with sharing the planet with other animals. plant life, and people. So making choices to make every one's life a blessing is ideal. Meditate on realistic choices you can make so that you are in harmony not with just the 42 laws of Maat but the law of nature to co-exist and treat everything with love. Journal when you are finished and do your best everyday!

Energies of Today:
Embrace the energies of today and merge yourself with the expressions of the cosmic heavens and earth. Click on the underlined link to learn more about the topics. 

 Numerology: Today is 21 =3 day/January 21, 2014=2/ Day 21/344 days left in year

Planet of the day: Mars/Tuesday~ is a YANG or (MALE) energy day, ruled by the planet Mars. These are the colors for courage, revenge, power over enemies, higher education, endurance, violence, fast action, surgery, breaking away of negative energies, matrimony, war, prison, hunting, politics and physical competitions, leadership, any blood healing, and lust.

Sun Sign: Aquarius/Air Sign Jan.20 - Feb.18~ Visionaries, progressive peacemakers, silly, life of the party, and passionate. Aquarius energy showers the world with new thoughts and ideas to make the world a better place. 

Moon Sign of the Day: Libra at 8:43am EST~ Favors cooperation, beautification of surroundings, social activities, balance, partnerships.

Herb of the Day:  Raspberry Leaf, Ginseng Leaf, Dandelion Root

Essential Oil of the Day: Vetiver, Clove, Juniper

Colors of the Day: Reds and Oranges

Chakra of the Day: Mooladhara/1st/Base of Spine

Sound of the Day: Lam

Incense of the Day: Sandalwood

Gem/Stone of the Day: Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Garnet

Foods for the Day: If you’d like to release a fear around eating or feelings of distrust, the root chakra is the place to be. In fact, eating issues stem from the need to protect oneself. Under- or over-eating may cause you to feel scattered or flighty, but the root chakra helps you to feel grounded and in your body so that you can be in the present moment. Assist your root chakra by eating with others in community and honoring your body’s instinct on what to eat by dialoguing with your body on food choices. Foods for grounding and protection: Protein, minerals, root vegetables, edible and medicinal mushrooms, red-colored foods.

Medicine Card of Today: Lizard Card 16 Dreaming
If Lizard dreamed a space in your life this day, it may time to look and see what is
following along behind you. It is your fears, your future trying to catch up to you, or is it
the part of you that wants to ignore your weaknesses and humanness?
Lizard may be telling you to pay attention to your dreams and their symbols.
Make a dream log and record all that you remember. Be sure to pay attention to each
individual symbol or recurring pattern. if you do not remember your dreams upon waking n the morning, set an alarm for 2:00 or 3:00 Am, or drink a lot of water before you go to
bed and allow your bladder to wake you up. Dreams are very important. Pay attention to

Tree of the Day: Holly

Yoga Pose of the Day: Fire Breath

Good Read for the Day: 42 Laws of Maat

Monday, January 20, 2014

Cosmic Grove: The Virgin Moon and Aquarian Sun

The Virgin Moon and Aquarian Sun
Sunday greetings Fam! Our Moon continues her journey today settled and nestled snuggly in the constellation Virgo the "VirginVirgo a fruitful earth sign represents the maiden, the virgin, purity, fertility, and the power of the mind before  it's tainted by society. Virgo is the only female power in the zodiac and is the 2nd largest constellation in the sky right behind watery Moon Cancer constellation. She is associated with all of the main female deities: Isis, Ishtar, Innana, Aphrodite, Ceres, Demeter, Astraea, Erigone; and in Christian symbolism, the Virgin Mary. All of these female deities have the ability to create immaculate conceptions or scientifically known as parthenogenesis. So Virgo is a very fruitful and powerful constellation for our waning Moon to be in after such a grounding New Moon in Capricorn and Full Wolf Moon in Cancer. We now tap into our ability to give birth to whatever we want in our life both men and women during this dark and waning phase of the Moon. An immaculate conception is when we are united with the power of the infinite giving birth to a cosmic force so strong that it will change the ebb and flow of the entire world! You have the power to create your own dream and live it this lifetime, let's get it! When we get ready for new births new babies, what do we do? We clear the way, prepare the space, meditate and research how to nurture this new life and better ourselves to take care of this energy. We let go of the old, releasing old habits, and do some good ol' clearing away. Virgo's detailed and routine energy combined with the waning Moon is excellent for removing blockages ushering in the new with the New Moon and Sun in Aquarius up ahead. 
Today will be a pretty awesome day to visit your elders, entertain them in exchange for happiness and hugs. It will be a wonderful day to start a healthy routine of meditation/prayer, exercise, and healthy eating. It's an awesome day for a good herbal soup! With Mercury's energy present as Virgo's planet we have the intellect to talk today. Be mindful of the words you share with others and make sure not to talk down to them if they are not on your level or understanding where you are coming from. Tonight at 11:52 EST our lovely Sun shifts into the Constellation of Aquarius the sign of the future, inventiveness, creative powers, and a fruitful imagination. Peace and solidarity will inspire us individually and collectively to begin creating as well as building new atmospheres and structures. You have to let go of the old to build something new so please be aware of old outdated attitudes and ways of completing your tasks so you are successful. You have to be bold and in doing this you can and will create something solid for the rest of the year. This is an awesome time for artists and authors so tap in and make the best of this time. 

Infinite's Message of the Day:

"Rise on the day of the Sun with a new outlook and way of thinking from yesterday's mistakes. Be bold, be beautiful, be the best you!"

Meditation of Today:

Sit in a space of peace and quiet. Tune into your natural breathing rhythm and focus your thoughts on your breath. Allow all thoughts to leave with your exhales. Bring to mind a hobby that just makes you smile and fills you with joy inside and out. See your self doing this hobby and allow the energy to take over you. Open your eyes and today make every attempt to do this hobby and create a realistic way for you to continue this as often as possible to keep you happy and joyous! Enjoy the day of the Sun~

Energies of Today:
Embrace the energies of today and merge yourself with the expressions of the cosmic heavens and earth. Click on the underlined link to learn more about the topics. 

 Numerology: Today is 19 =10 day/January 19, 2014=9/ Day 19/346 days left in year

Planet of the day: Sun/Sunday~ Sunday is YANG or male energy ruled by the SUN, this day has the energies of health, leadership, healing, prosperity, self-knowledge, happiness, ego, hope, joy, strength, individuality, authority figures, fathers, husbands, protection, power and spirituality, promotions, power and fortune. 
Sun Sign: Capricorn/Earth Sign Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Moon Sign of the Day:Virgo

Herb of the Day:  Jasmine, Passionflower, Eyebright

Essential Oil of the Day: Star Anise, Frankincense, Myrrh

Colors of the Day: Orange, Yellow, Gold, White

Chakra of the Day: Agnya/6th/Brow/1st Eye

Sound of the Day: Om

Incense of the Day: Myrrh

Gem/Stone of the Day: Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite

Foods for the Day: The many “I”s of the third eye chakra include intuition, insight, imagination, and inspiration. When we listen to our intuition, we nourish this center. Sometimes we allow our intuition to be overridden by the intellect, and in doing so, we lose sight of our highest path. Several foods that stimulate the intuitive center, such as coffee, alcohol, and dark chocolate, keep your mind and moods on overdrive. Respect your third eye chakra by avoiding these external substances and enable your intuition to be heard. Foods for intuition and insight: Herbal tea, blackberries, blueberries.

Medicine Card of Today: Deer Card 14 Gentleness
If Deer has gently nudged its way into your cards today, you are being asked to find the
gentleness of spirit that heals all wounds. Stop pushing so hard to get others to change, and love
them as they are. Apply gentleness to your present situation and become like the summer breeze:
warm and caring. This is your tool for solving the present dilemma you are facing. If you use it,
you will connect with Sacred Mountain, your centering place of serenity, and Great Spirit will
guide you.

Tree of the Day: Birch

Yoga Pose of the Day: Sun Salutation

Good Read for the Day: Awakening Intuition

Cosmic Grove: A Day of Honor and Peace

A Day of Honor and Peace
"Honoring all of our Ancestors"

Happy day of the Moon love bugs! I am extremely excited this year that my spirit has evolved to spiritually celebrate MLK day outside of the norms. Usually I attend an event at the local college filled with stories and collages, refreshments and that's it. This year I am submerging myself in a more fulfilling energy of calling in all of the powerful ancestral warriors in my American and Benin family tree as well as our African and African American ancestors that did the work to get us to where we are. A lot of the behind the scenes people that died, risked their lives, and lost their families for the struggle of peace and oneness never got recognized and no one prays to them on their shrine or visits their graves with flowers. On this first day of our Sun journeying in the constellation of Aquarius the sign of the water bearer, visionaries, peace, leadership and progression, be the one to uncover some of our ancestors who deserve our recognition and love. Shower them with prayers and appreciation. They are still alive and strong, you can see them in the spiritual space around you.. They are waiting to lead you and guide you, so welcome them. Today our Moon spends it's last moments in Virgo before going void at 4:55pm EST until tomorrow morning at 8:43am EST when it gladly enters the constellation of Libra. This morning my Leo Sun Child Kaleo was the oracle. He picked our Medicine Card for the day and he played with the cards and cheerfully picked the Mountain Lion card 17 which means Leadership! I'm astounded that on this day as we celebrate the progressions that we made due to the leadership of our people he picked up on that energy. Let's educate our children as well beyond what the schools tell them, and enrich them to take our world into the next dimension of love, one vibration, and balance. 
Enjoy your day Fam!

Our Aquarian People who Changed the World:

Bob Marley

Rosa Parks

Langston Hughes

Oprah Winfrey 

Michael Jordan

Infinite's Message for Today:
"Do a dance for your ancestors. In your tunnel of frenzy they shall come to you with the wisdom for your break through."

Meditation of the day:
Go out into nature. If you are in the city, look behind the streets and cars and see the tree tops lining the sky. If you are in the suburbs, look passed the houses and see life in the clouds dancing in the sky. If you are in the country, smell the air and hear the animals as they sing they're song. Sit in your own bubble of peace a midst life moving around you. Tune into the wonders and divine energy of messages from the Earth. Feel the world stand still as you embrace the power of nature. In this you will know true oneness.

Energies of Today:
Embrace the energies of today and merge yourself with the expressions of the cosmic heavens and earth. Click on the underlined link to learn more about the topics. 

 Numerology: Today is 20 =2 day/January 20, 2014=1/ Day 20/345 days left in year

Planet of the day: Moon/Monday~ Monday is a yin or receptive (female) energy  These are the colors for women's mysteries, protection, emotions, dreams, clairvoyance, home, family, medicine, female fertility, messages, theft and voyages. Subconscious healings, sisters, small animals and children, wives, instincts, the female side of the MALE and Mothers.

Sun Sign: Aquarius/Air Sign Jan.20 - Feb.18~ Visionaries, progressive peacemakers, silly, life of the party, and passionate. Aquarius energy showers the world with new thoughts and ideas to make the world a better place. 

Moon Sign of the Day:Virgo until 4:55pm EST/ Void all day 

Herb of the Day:  Lavender, Frankincense, Nutmeg, Rose

Essential Oil of the Day: Lavender, Lotus, Jasmine

Colors of the Day: White, Silver, Creams, Greys, Violet

Chakra of the Day: Sahasrara/7th/Crown/1st Eye

Sound of the Day: Om

Incense of the Day: Lotus

Gem/Stone of the Day: Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite

Foods for the Day: The crown chakra is the part of us that connects us to all of life. If you feel severed from something larger—the cosmos, the planet, the human race, or your community—or you are longing for deeper meaning in life, choosing to see the act of eating as an event of interconnection may be very satisfying. In essence, eating is a divine act that connects you with the lineage of every form of life that was involved in the creation of the food. By using foods as a symbol of connection, you can connect to that which is sacred and deep. Foods for unification and interconnection: Sun- and moon-light, clean air, unconditional love.

Medicine Card of Today: Mountain Lion Card 17 Leadership
If Mountain Lion has come to you in dreams, it is a time to stand on your
convictions and lead yourself where your heart takes you. Others may choose to follow,
and the lessons will multiply. If you have pulled the card of Mountain Lion, you may be
asked to review the purpose behind your personal beliefs. You may need to discover
whether or not your plans include a pride of cubs wanting to be like you or to share in
your dreams. If you are already a leader, the question may be whether or not t he time has
come to push the cubs out of the cave. If you are aligned with cat medicine, you are
considered to be "king of the mountain," and never allowed to be human or vulnerable.
The pitfalls are many, but the rewards are great.
Tree of the Day: Willow

Yoga Pose of the Day: Moon Salutation

Good Read for the Day: Following Our Ancestors