Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cosmic Grove: The Wolf Moon

The Intuitive Cancer Full Moon
"The Wolf Teacher"
Family it is a beautiful day on Earth for we have reached our first Full Moon of our year 2014. Our Moon will peak to it's fullness tonight at 10:52pm CST in the constellation of Cancer which is governed by the Moon! This is such an expansion of the Moons energy because it is doubled! The Moon already represents the dark, mysterious, hidden and unknown being brought to the light. It represents the nurturing energy, the feminine life force, parenting, the comfort and stability of home, our deep and hidden emotions, sensitivity, the use of our psychic powers, clairvoyance and intuitive abilities. Even if you don't know how to use them or are afraid to use them, just being on the Earth during a Full Moon itself will trigger these gifts to awaken while you are asleep, working, eating, etc. You will just begin to notice during the Full Moon energy that you have more of those de'ja' vu (already seen) moments or speak and it happens type of situations. It's absolutely amazing. What is really amazing is that the Constellation Cancer represents the same thing as the Moon. With these two cosmic bodies partnering up since Sunday afternoon until the peaking of the Full Moon Wednesday night, we are definitely experiencing some emotional and home energy rising. 
After searching for months and saying a special prayer on a December New Moon my sister has finally found the house of her dreams and at the size and affordable rate she was asking for. I've noticed and you may notice too, that men are more so than ever readily spilling over to express their inner most deepest emotions and desires towards there Queens of heart, Yay ladies! I have definitely reaped my New Moon prayer of spending more quality, fun, family time with my boys, as well as being a more compassionate mother at times of confusion. Yes! My dreams have not only yielded profound messages but have given me simple guidance for future events so when these events arrive in my life, I am prepared. I had a dream Sunday night that I went to an exercise class in jeans and was uncomfortable because of my attire but still attended the class. I wanted to join a gym since before the New Years and the day after the dream I so happened to find a gym close by to give me a membership. So not only did my wish become granted 2 days before the Full Moon, but also the next day I went to leave the house to get my boys from school, closed the door and realized I have on jeans and I know I'm going to the Gym, let me get my gym clothes to avoid having to come back home and change, or being uncomfortable and embarrassed! So even though these are simple things, the energy of the Moon has really blessed me to be more in harmony with my life. Cancer deals with the comforts of our home as well. The furniture, people and energy in our environment. So this will be an excellent time to redecorate, add some pictures, flowers, music or color to your home and definitely to smudge!  

The energy will be high and strong today.It will be wise to do some breathing exercises, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or Yoga to balance out the entire energy of the body so you do not get overwhelmed with the energy. As I discussed last week on the show, when the Moon is Full the gravitational pull that it has on the Earth and everything in it is amazing. The energy is like our spirits are being pulled toward the heavens. So that means that whatever thoughts, energies, feelings, or prayers we have that day will be pulled out of us, taken directly to the cosmic heavens and manifested in our lives in a speedy Gonzalez rate. So if you have an awesome, positive, loving attitude and you're positively taking steps to accomplishing a goal, do expect the universe to bless you abundantly within the 7 day energy span of the Full Moon, unexpectedly and with more than what you thought you would receive. My blessing was that I not only found a gym, I also got 2 weeks free to check it out, vs. a gym I looked into 2 days before the New Year that wanted $80 bucks to start! I say yes a blessing! Say you are having a not so awesome attitude, and life just sucks right now and you are doing not too much to change it, the Universe will hand it to you during that 7 days span. It will pull on whatever you put out and bring it back x10! So please be mindful of your energies and do your best to switch it up if you notice you are having a not so good moment. 

The Full Moon is a time of celebration, a culmination of power. It is a time when the ancestors and spirit guides easily enter our dimensions with greater visibility and come to celebrate with us. Knowing this, it is a lovely time to do rituals and blessings that our spirit family can also be apart of.
Rituals consisting of purification's, health, prosperity, creative energy, fertility, love, and magical manifestation is popular at this time. It is also an ideal time to charge your crystals, stones, money, letters for court issues, bills, prayers, wishes, wallets, purses, water, food, etc. All and anything that you want to absorb the energy of the Moon in this psychic constellation is welcome to be outside and embrace what Moon Mama has to offer.

The January Full Moon is called the Wolf Moon and the Wolf represents the teacher, the healer, and medicine woman/man. I will share with you the wolf medicine of our Ancient Native American Ancestors. The wolf is loyal and carries with her/him great power to sustain it's clan. The wolf leaves the clan to go out and learn, gather food and herbs, and comes back to share what it has gotten to further the growth and development of it's family. Wolf is the path finder of new ideas and represents the Dog Star, Sirius, which was the home of the Gods which was told to us by the Dogon Tribe and Kemetics. The senses of the wolf is very keen and the Moon is it's power ally. The Moon is the unconscious mind that holds the secrets of knowledge and wisdom. Baying at the Moon may be an indication of wolf's desire to connect with new ides which are just below the surface of consciousness. Wolf medicine empowers the teacher within us all to come forth and aid the children of Earth in understanding the Great mystery and Life. As you feel wolf coming alive within you this Full Moon night, you may wish to share your knowledge by writing or lecturing on information that will help others better understand their uniqueness or path. Wolf may be asking you to seek out lonely places that will allow you to see your teacher within. Wolf came to me when every one around me seen a Yoga teacher in me, but I didn't. Wolf gave me the confidence, understanding, and intuition to know who I am and my individual path as a community healer, midwife, and teacher. 
Wolf would not come to you unless you requested the tribe's greatest teacher. 
Enjoy the Full Moon

Moon Energies January 15-January 22, 2014
via-Spiritual Grounds

JAN 15:  FULL MOON at 11:52pm CST tonight in CANCER at 25 degrees.  Needless to say emotions are HIGH and STRON early and mid morning and midday.  Whew.  Take deep breaths often.  Weather events could be BIG!

JAN 16:  The moon shifted into VOID last night around midnight. It moves into LEO at 8am CST with only one uncomfortable timeframe:  lunchtime. Other than that, most will be dealing with the fall out of yesterday’s full moon.  This is a good time to write stories, tell stories, have your car cleaned, or watch sports!

JAN 17:  The moon in LEO is perfect for fun and games. There is some angry communication energy early in the afternoon but after that, all will settle down.  Remember that was a very strong full moon on the 15th so there is still a few remnants of yuck being integrated! Enjoy today because tomorrow will demand we pay attention to our living demands such as laundry, cleaning up, etc.

JAN 18: The moon is VOID at 3:51am CST and remains VOID ALL DAY until 8:23pm CST when it enters VIRGO. Expect the unexpected. There will be delays.  You may feel like you cannot “get going” today.  Plan ahead for today. If you have a task list for today you will be more likely to accomplish a lot. Otherwise, you might just gel in front of the TV.  

JAN 19:  The moon in VIRGO is a good time to visit nursing homes, visit aging parents or maybe friends in the hospital.  It is also a good time for soup!  The sun shifts into AQUARIUS late at 10:51pm CST With only one other yuck aspect, today is pretty decent.  Be careful of talking “down” to others, tho.

JAN 20:  Moon in VIRGO continues until 3:55pm CST when it enters VOID.  The day is quieter than what has been happening.  I feel like there could be some rumbles in the air though so do not be taken unaware!

JAN 21:  The moon enters LIBRA at 7:43am CST.  With Mars already in Libra, this conjunction could bring about the desire to “speak what is in your heart”.  That is all good but timing is critical otherwise it will backfire.  Watch for volcano news today or with a day or two of today.

JAN 22:  The moon remains in LIBRA until later tonight when it slips into VOID until tomorrow afternoon. The energy today is HARSH and YUCKY!  Ugh, ugh!  A late afternoon and evening are the best times. Be patient. Do not over think issues.  GIVE of your time and yourself to balance the  Rough energy “what about me” feeling of today.

Tune in Today and Every Wednesday for Cosmic Grove Radio to listen and speak with Tru the host!

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