Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Harmony Grove: The Expansion of the Moon

The Bliss of Oneness: Harmony Grove
"The Expansion of the Moon"

Happy Wednesday Fam! Wednesday is an awesome day for us to plan our week ahead because it is governed by Mercury which represents the conscious mind, the mind we need to plan our day to day lives in our material Earth realm. Mercury also supports the energy of divination, merging with the infinite to gain insight into our past, present and future lives. Studying as well as seeking and applying wisdom to our lives for a successful life. For these reasons, I will continue to release our weekly reports on Wednesdays as well as host our Harmony Grove show on Blog Talk Radio at 12'Noon CST. We will discuss the cosmic energies for the week ahead as well as spiritual tools to merge with the energy, following by free intuitive readings by myself. You can choose to tune in by calling 818-369-0368 or clicking this link: The Bliss of Oneness: Harmony Grove. Thank you for tuning in!

January 8: The Moon starts the day in Aries but enters"Void" at 10:22am CST until evening at 8:24pmCST when it thankfully moves into the Earth Sign Taurus. Things begun now lasts the longest, tends to increase in value, and becomes hard to altar. Money concerns are front and center. It's an excellent time to establish a budget. Delay any major spending or purchases until after January 31.
January 9: The day is in Taurus and it is a very good day to organizing, paying bills, checking on your credit report for accuracy and repairing credit if necessary. In the romantic sign of Taurus it's a good time to make a surprise dinner for your family or honey!
January 10: The Moon is evenly in Taurus throughout the day. Brings out appreciation for beauty and sensory experience. An awesome day to pamper yourself with a rose bath, treat yourself, and/or beautify your home space.
January 11:  The moon enters VOID at 4:58amCST for a short time until 6:26amCST when it moves into talkative and vibrant GEMINI.  Today will be a really great and balanced day in the sign of the twins, just be aware of the energies surrounding you around 2pmCST.  Watch for deceit at that time. In weather watch for sleet turn to snow!  At 3:35pmCST Mercury, the communication and transportation planet, will move into AQUARIUS.  This is a great position for Mercury.   All things electronic will feel energized!  Conversations are over the top today. Be careful you don’t say too much!
January 12: The moon in in GEMINI until 3:33pmCST when it moves into sensitive and home bodied CANCER.  The energy today is still promoting talking!  Reach out to friends, go to lunch with friends, send emails… connect!!   Watch respiratory issues as they can lead to something more serious!
January 13: The moon is in CANCER and brings a certain empathic energy into play.  Limit your consumption of dairy products and spicy foods today. Visit or call your parents and loved ones. Stay home if possible..enjoy the security of home and family.  Everyone seems more emotionally sensitive and this is only going to increase as we are approaching a full moon on the 15th in Cancer! Kindness goes a long way today.
January 14: The moon in CANCER with strong aspects in the afternoon that may make it impossible to keep a lid on emotions.  With a full moon tomorrow today can be quite challenging!  Bake cookies or create some art  or simply be quiet at your job!  Stay away from confrontations if possible!!  Lets ride this wave.

Waxing Moon Energy:
To merge with the energy of the waxing Moon you can use this time to perform waxing, drawing, increasing, or growth meditations or rituals. Here are a few tips on things to do in your sacred space. Below you will find the energy associated with the Moon being in each Constellation.

Aries/Action - Enthusiasm
Taurus/ Renewal - Sensuality
Gemini/Communication - Curiosity
Cancer/Emotion - Nurturing
Leo/Vitality - Determined
Virgo/Organizing - Studious
Libra/Balance - Cooperation
Scorpio/Sexual - Philosophical
Capricorn/Authority - Ambitious
Aquarius/Innovation Social
Pisces/Sensitivity - Idealistic
Finding your Dream Home
Get a green candle, some lavender oil, a list of what you want in your house, and a drawing of you happy at that house (stick people work fine!) Dress the candle and set the list and picture next to it, I don't necessarily call corners for this but you can if you want to. I call on Bast as she is the guardian of the house and hearth say:
"Bast protector of home,
come to my aid and help me this night.
I need to find a safe hearth raise my family.
A strong place to direct my energies and a perfect place to dance to the earth song.
It must be...(read off the list you made)."
Then burn the picture and list and meditate on yourself happy in your new house. Let the candle burn as long as you feel necessary. This might not be your dream house but it will be the house that will be perfect for you. I found my house the day after I worked this spell.
You don't have to use Bast you can use Hestia or whomever you feel most comfortable to work with. I hope this works for you!
Increase Peace in Your Home:
This intention is very good if there is a lot of turmoil or stress in the household. Do the following prayer/meditation, and while doing so, remember to focus on your intent for a peaceful household.
Sew a small pouch of lavender cloth. Place a small trinket in the pouch for each member of your household. Add to this a pinch each of lavender,rose and chamomile, before placing each pinch in the pouch, remember to hold it for a moment and REALLY focus, finally, add a small amethyst.
Now, anoint a lavender or pink candle with peace oil(lavender & rose) and then light it. Sit in front of the candle and hold the pouch in your hands and whisper the following chant over it softly 3 times:
"Primordial Mother, most gentle one,
calm my home for me.
Relieve all tension, send it far,
so from stress we shall be free. Touch my family with peace and calm,
and the sweetest softest bliss,
bless my home,
Great Gentle Mother, with your calming kiss."
Set the pouch with the candle. Allow the candle to burn down completely. Hang the pouch in your home, preferably in the room where everyone gathers the most. Whenever tension seems to build, repeat the above chant 3 times and envision peace and tranquility radiating from the pouch and The Goddess.

Increase Love
How to Do the Increasing Love Spell

Most of this spell is not done by casting in the traditional manner. Rather, it is based on basic magickal principles.
There is a spell-casting component, which we'll get to in a minute.
But really, any spiritual practice or Wiccan practices on this site will suit your purpose, because they all align you more closely with the Divine within yourself and without. And the Divine IS love. So doing these practices increases your love quotient.
The basic idea here is increasing your connection with the state of being that we call LOVE. Because loving relationships are not really about you and me and those we love.
Love exists, in and of itself.
We can tap into the flow, and we can shut it off. This love spell works by increasing the love flowing through you. This will automatically increase the love in your life. Which naturally brings you people to share love with!
See, it is a love spell. Just a more thorough one than most.
It's inevitable! It's a law of the universe... the law of attraction. What you have inside you manifests in your life.

 Increasing Pure Love-5 Part

So how do you increase your love quotient? This prayer has 5 aspects...
Intention Magic

Attention Magic

Action Magic

Invoking Qualities

Magical Energies

Why so many parts? Because this isn't just a superficial change, a bandaid on your life. 
This is potent stuff. Each part of this love prayer reinforces and empowers every other part.
You may be thinking it's too much effort. And that's fine. I only offer it here because if you really want to improve your love life, the quick fix doesn't work.
So if you keep being disappointed in love, then all the magickal love spells in the world aren't going to help. Obviously there's an underlying problem. And it will continue to sabotage your efforts (and not only in love!).
It's that fundamental level that this magickal process heals. This is what gives other spells a chance to succeed.
So let's get started…

Intention Magic

Start by setting an intention. Make it clear, and set it strongly. Put it in writing, in big clear letters, and post it where you will see it several times a day, as well as when you're in bed.
A good intention could go something like this:
"Love flows freely through my life and I am overflowing with love."
If that's too far a reach, step it back a little:
"I open myself to love, and love, and more love."
Or even more gentle, for starters:
"I am willing to allow more love into my heart and into my life."

Attention Magic

The idea here is to keep your attention on the idea of love, as much as possible.
You don't need to think about it or analyze it... in fact, those are counter-productive. Just let the idea of love float lightly in your mind.
You can write the word "love" on a stickynote, and post it where only you will see it, and where you'll keep seeing it. You can write the word on the palm of your hand. Or use a special sign that will remind you of the concept of love, like a sigil or symbol.
These are just reminders, to keep the quality of love alive in your awareness.


Action Magic

This is a Karma Yoga-type spell. So far you've been laying the mental groundwork. Now it's time to empower that with action!
(This is one of the benefits of being on the earth-plane: you can use physical action to accomplish things on spiritual and energy levels.)
There are three parts to the action spell, all of which are intended to increase your connection to the flow of love.
  • Act in loving ways toward others, whenever you can.

  • Seek out opportunities to snuggle and play with friendly animals, babies, seedlings, or whatever stirs those happy, loving hormones.

  • Be loving towards yourself. Take care of your physical needs as if your body were your most beloved child. Give yourself plenty of rest, and activities that nourish your spirit. Take mental silence every day, in the form of meditation or some other practice. Speak kindly to (and of) yourself: let harsh judgements go, and tell yourself nurturing things. Do something that you love, every single day.

Invoking Qualities

The actions of increasing love flows naturally into this next step.
Invoking Qualities is one of the most powerful prayers you can ever do!
This is a meditative visualization process, in which you call up the quality, or energy, within yourself, and attend to the feeling of it in your body.
One way to do this is to sit in a space where you won't be interrupted and that feels good to you. I like to do this in my greenhouse, or at a beach, or by my altar with my meditation candle shining and nature sounds playing.
Then call the Quality of Love to you. Try these methods, or find one of your own:
  • Repeat slowly and with full attention: "I am love. I am love. I am love."

  • If that feels too awkward, try: "May I be filled with love." or "I'm opening to love." or "I'm becoming willing to love and be loved."

  • Imagine the face of someone, especially a child or animal, that you love. Let yourself feel the intensity of love you have for them, in this entirely safe way.

  • Remember or imagine a time of feeling perfectly loved, overflowing with love. Dwell on that sensation.

  • Chant the mantra to Tara, and imagine Her love-filled energy flowing down all around you and flooding every cell.

The most important aspect of this is to feel the energy of love suffusing you. The more you do this, the more love you will experience in your life, I guarantee it.
Plus it feels so wonderful, it could become a favourite spiritual practice.

Magical Energies

To bring the power of the Elements and Deities to your increasing-love prayer, you can also do a  love oil.
My favourite increasing-love prayer involves infusing a body oil with essential oils, and charging it with love-energy in prayer.
Then every day you can apply this oil, rubbing the energy of love into your whole body.
If you do this with an intention of having love to yourself and your body, it feels wonderful, and it can really shift your subconscious alignment more toward the energy of love.
For this kind of love spell, I like to use rose oil, or rosewood when cost is a consideration. I also add a drop of jasmine and some lavender, but you can use whatever scents evoke the quality of love for you.
Be sure to use only natural essential oils, and not the artificial chemical variety.

Done: A Powerful Love Prayer

There you have it. This is a very thorough and powerful way to bring love into your life.
Although it can sound onerous, the practice of this love spell is really quite easy and quick. And best of all, it feels so wonderful that you'll enjoy every minute of it.
So if you haven't had much success with love spells, or you're continually disappointed in love, try this. It will really change things for the better. And not only in your love life, but in every aspect of your life!
I wish you joy and abundant love!

Tune in to our show today or check out our archives to listen in later!
With Luv


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