Monday, January 20, 2014

Cosmic Grove: The Virgin Moon and Aquarian Sun

The Virgin Moon and Aquarian Sun
Sunday greetings Fam! Our Moon continues her journey today settled and nestled snuggly in the constellation Virgo the "VirginVirgo a fruitful earth sign represents the maiden, the virgin, purity, fertility, and the power of the mind before  it's tainted by society. Virgo is the only female power in the zodiac and is the 2nd largest constellation in the sky right behind watery Moon Cancer constellation. She is associated with all of the main female deities: Isis, Ishtar, Innana, Aphrodite, Ceres, Demeter, Astraea, Erigone; and in Christian symbolism, the Virgin Mary. All of these female deities have the ability to create immaculate conceptions or scientifically known as parthenogenesis. So Virgo is a very fruitful and powerful constellation for our waning Moon to be in after such a grounding New Moon in Capricorn and Full Wolf Moon in Cancer. We now tap into our ability to give birth to whatever we want in our life both men and women during this dark and waning phase of the Moon. An immaculate conception is when we are united with the power of the infinite giving birth to a cosmic force so strong that it will change the ebb and flow of the entire world! You have the power to create your own dream and live it this lifetime, let's get it! When we get ready for new births new babies, what do we do? We clear the way, prepare the space, meditate and research how to nurture this new life and better ourselves to take care of this energy. We let go of the old, releasing old habits, and do some good ol' clearing away. Virgo's detailed and routine energy combined with the waning Moon is excellent for removing blockages ushering in the new with the New Moon and Sun in Aquarius up ahead. 
Today will be a pretty awesome day to visit your elders, entertain them in exchange for happiness and hugs. It will be a wonderful day to start a healthy routine of meditation/prayer, exercise, and healthy eating. It's an awesome day for a good herbal soup! With Mercury's energy present as Virgo's planet we have the intellect to talk today. Be mindful of the words you share with others and make sure not to talk down to them if they are not on your level or understanding where you are coming from. Tonight at 11:52 EST our lovely Sun shifts into the Constellation of Aquarius the sign of the future, inventiveness, creative powers, and a fruitful imagination. Peace and solidarity will inspire us individually and collectively to begin creating as well as building new atmospheres and structures. You have to let go of the old to build something new so please be aware of old outdated attitudes and ways of completing your tasks so you are successful. You have to be bold and in doing this you can and will create something solid for the rest of the year. This is an awesome time for artists and authors so tap in and make the best of this time. 

Infinite's Message of the Day:

"Rise on the day of the Sun with a new outlook and way of thinking from yesterday's mistakes. Be bold, be beautiful, be the best you!"

Meditation of Today:

Sit in a space of peace and quiet. Tune into your natural breathing rhythm and focus your thoughts on your breath. Allow all thoughts to leave with your exhales. Bring to mind a hobby that just makes you smile and fills you with joy inside and out. See your self doing this hobby and allow the energy to take over you. Open your eyes and today make every attempt to do this hobby and create a realistic way for you to continue this as often as possible to keep you happy and joyous! Enjoy the day of the Sun~

Energies of Today:
Embrace the energies of today and merge yourself with the expressions of the cosmic heavens and earth. Click on the underlined link to learn more about the topics. 

 Numerology: Today is 19 =10 day/January 19, 2014=9/ Day 19/346 days left in year

Planet of the day: Sun/Sunday~ Sunday is YANG or male energy ruled by the SUN, this day has the energies of health, leadership, healing, prosperity, self-knowledge, happiness, ego, hope, joy, strength, individuality, authority figures, fathers, husbands, protection, power and spirituality, promotions, power and fortune. 
Sun Sign: Capricorn/Earth Sign Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Moon Sign of the Day:Virgo

Herb of the Day:  Jasmine, Passionflower, Eyebright

Essential Oil of the Day: Star Anise, Frankincense, Myrrh

Colors of the Day: Orange, Yellow, Gold, White

Chakra of the Day: Agnya/6th/Brow/1st Eye

Sound of the Day: Om

Incense of the Day: Myrrh

Gem/Stone of the Day: Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite

Foods for the Day: The many “I”s of the third eye chakra include intuition, insight, imagination, and inspiration. When we listen to our intuition, we nourish this center. Sometimes we allow our intuition to be overridden by the intellect, and in doing so, we lose sight of our highest path. Several foods that stimulate the intuitive center, such as coffee, alcohol, and dark chocolate, keep your mind and moods on overdrive. Respect your third eye chakra by avoiding these external substances and enable your intuition to be heard. Foods for intuition and insight: Herbal tea, blackberries, blueberries.

Medicine Card of Today: Deer Card 14 Gentleness
If Deer has gently nudged its way into your cards today, you are being asked to find the
gentleness of spirit that heals all wounds. Stop pushing so hard to get others to change, and love
them as they are. Apply gentleness to your present situation and become like the summer breeze:
warm and caring. This is your tool for solving the present dilemma you are facing. If you use it,
you will connect with Sacred Mountain, your centering place of serenity, and Great Spirit will
guide you.

Tree of the Day: Birch

Yoga Pose of the Day: Sun Salutation

Good Read for the Day: Awakening Intuition

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