Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cosmic Grove: Scorpio Moon~ The Power of Sex

Scorpio Moon
Happy Thursday Fam! Our beautiful Moon is transitioning into Scorpio this afternoon at 4:43pm ET. The early part of today will be a void energy until the Moon reaches Scorpio, so hold off on major decisions or purchases until later today. So we all know the prized and fame Scorpio energy is about to set some things off right!? Well yea, that's what Scorpio energy is all about, stirring the pot, to let go, transform, rise up, oh yea and get Revenge!! Scorpio's rule creation, and are the masters of shape shifting. They govern the sexual organs, yoni, womb, ovaries, penis and prostate. Scorpios also govern the spiritual power of creating life, rising the energy that enhances the fertilization of the egg to awaken conception. So imagine if we use the Scorpio energy the next two days to give life to other areas of our existence that need it. Scorpio's also hold the power of the ancient sexual rituals, and the mysteries of the sex. Sex anciently is the intent to merge material earth energy with the cosmic energy to manifest desires on the physical planes. The woman carries the portal of the heavens within her yoni and womb, the man representing the earth material is entering the portal of the woman, together they can manifest what so ever they desire if the sexual ritual is carried out properly. In primordial times this ritual and act was done through the woman and the trance dance. She would leave her village during her menses (new moon), retreat and tap into her power (waxing moon), fast until the Full Moon, raising power by dancing all night and merging with the spirit of the infinite to create life and bring down the wishes of her people. In modern day we know this as the timeless wisdom and sexual manifestation of Tantra and Taoist practices. Scorpios are the only sign with 3 symbols to represent the energy they carry, the scorpion (root chakra), the snake (sacral chakra-brow chakra), and the phoenix (crown chakra). It coincides with the 3 major moon phases, New/Waning the darkness and Crone, the underworld where the mysteries and power are held within the womb center. The Waxing Moon, the maiden, increasing energy and the life force (fertility) awakens throughout the body. The Full Moon, the culmination of power when you are flying high, and creating or birthing life. 

Pluto governs Scorpio's and is the underworld dwarf planet, the furthest away in our galaxy. If you notice Scorpio's are reclusive, they are social yet mysterious and will only extend so much of themselves to others, unless it's sex! Pluto's power carries the ability to destruct, eliminate, transform, and do it all over again. So if you know a Scorpio it may always seem like they are going through some type of major phase of change, and it's because they're water and are always shifting according to their path on Earth. It is easier for them however than any other sign to abruptly and impulsively let go, do what they want, and rebuild if they have to. Scorpion energy is extremely intuitive, their psychic powers are keenly high, and they are dreamers. If a Scorpion lives in harmony and awareness of these gifts you will see them to be walking oracles. So let's get to the revenge part! With our Moon in Scorpio until Saturday we will feel the energy of needing to let go of some unnecessary people and energy in our lives and maybe to get back at someone who made us feel some type of way. Keep those stingers in people, let's do it the right way! With our Moon waning and Aquarius in the Sun we are supported by Scorpio to go into the darkness and banish energies from others away from us, and make changes to our environment for peace and new oppurtunities. Now if you want to express your feelings to someone, and you think it may come out a bit harshly wait until the Sagittarius Moon energy on Sunday January 26. Say what you have to say without the intent to hurt someone. All in all, have fun and enjoy the vibes! 

Infinite's Message of the Day: 

"Sex is sacred, sex is magic, utilize your spirit, mind, emotions and body in that order and powerfully your heaven will merge with your moment of ecstasy."

Meditation of the day:
Sit in a space of peace, gently tune into the rhythm of your breath. Light candles, incense if you like, and nice romantic music. Allow your wishes to come to mind whether they are your wishes alone or including your significant other or future partner. Imagine these energies in your mind. As you breathe focus your exhale expanding in your sexual power. Each exhale merge your wishes down with your Yoni or Jade Stick. Hold this power, feel it, sense it, become it. Journal your thoughts and feelings. Share it with your lover and allow them to do the same thing. When it is time for intimacy encourage one another to tap into their sexual powers while imagining the things you want to manifest. Let this sexual experience not be all about orgasms or physical stimulation, more of magic and sacred connection to merge the divine between you two, opening the way for the heavens to merge with your spirits. When you are finished and back to the Earth plane, have faith that your wishes will met you in divine time. Do this as often as possible and you and your lover will have an abundant life on all levels.

Energies of Today:
Embrace the energies of today and merge yourself with the expressions of the cosmic heavens and earth. Click on the underlined link to learn more about the topics. 

 Numerology: Today is 23 =5 day/January 23, 2014=4/ Day 23/342 days left in year

Planet of the day: Jupiter/ Thursday~is a YANG or male energy ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and luck. This day has the energies of luck, growth, expansion, generosity, male fertility, olden men, masculine side of the female, legal matters, health, honor, wealth, clothing, desires, men’s professions and spiritual attainment.

Sun Sign: Aquarius/Air Sign Jan.20 - Feb.18~ Visionaries, progressive peacemakers, silly, life of the party, and passionate. Aquarius energy showers the world with new thoughts and ideas to make the world a better place. 

Moon Sign of the Day: Scorpio at 4:43pm ET~ Increases awareness in psychic gifts, power, secrets, mysteries, sexual magic, fundamental transformations. Healing rituals concerning the sexual energies and reproduction organs are done during this time. 

Herbs of the Day:  Rosemary, Lemon Balm, Marshmallow Root

Essential Oils of the Day: Grapefruit, Lemon, Bergamont

Colors of the Day: Royal Purple and Royal Blue

Chakra of the Day: Nabhi/3rd/Abdominal/Solar Plexus

Sound of the Day: Ram

Incense of the Day: Rosemary

Gem/Stone of the Day: Amber, Gold, Citrine

Foods for the Day: The solar plexus chakra gives us the spark we need to get things done and keeps that flame burning bright within to transform our energy inside and out. Problems here can arise when we are set on fire, go into overdrive, and lose our power. However, you can harness your energy and power to transform by looking at what foods you give yourself over to—do you deplete your body with sugars, soft drinks, and artificial sweeteners? Step into your power once again by eating more frequently through the day and by eating foods that sustain your energy, like low glycemic complex carbohydrates. Foods for power and transformation: Complex carbohydrates, fiber, whole grains, legumes, yellow-colored foods.

Medicine Card of the Day: The Hawk Card 2: Messenger
Hawk is akin to Mercury, the messenger of the gods. Hawk medicine teaches you to be
observant, to look at your surroundings. Observe the obvious in everything that you do. Life is
sending you signals. Life in the initiation. If you have pulled the Hawk card, then right now a clue about the magic of life is being brought to you. This magic can imbue you with the power of overcome a currently stressful or difficult situation. The test is your ability to observe the nuances of power lurking nearby. 

Tree of the Day: Oak

Yoga Pose of the Day: Tantra Yoga

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