Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cosmic Grove: The Harmony of Maat

Moon Transitions to Libra
"The Oneness of Love and Purpose"

Happy Tuesday Fam! Our Moon settled into the Maat constellation of Libra ruled by Venus at 8:43am EST, and we are pressed to make choices about what is right and wrong in our lives, not to judge ourselves perse' but to bring about peace and balance. Do we choose to keep doing things that make our heart feel good but our lives a chaotic mess? Do we choose to keep doing things that is bad for our planet, bad for humanity but that satisfies us? You may experience questions like these pertaining to choices to make in your life that are for the betterment of you in a holistic view. Maat is an ancient Goddess of Kemet (Egypt) that is the energy of truth, righteousness, justice, law, and morality. At death she would weigh your heart against a feather, and if your heart is light as or lighter than the feather you were free to ascend to the afterlife, if your heart was heavier than the feather your ascension after death will have to undergo a different path. Goddess Maat brings the energy of you being responsible for your own life and right way of living. During this time it will be fairly easy to speak our minds about our truths and passions. We are already crowned by the Sun traveling through Aquarius exerting an energy of expressing your gifts and inventive endeavors to change your personal life as well as those around you. The next couple of days is all about finding the right time to express your truths, your desires, so that you have justice in life, a fair chance, and you live in balance for the most part. I'm especially excited about this pair because it gives me the supported energy on both sides to speak my mind about women's wisdom and past as well as to publish these truths and arts to transform and empower women all over. So join me in walking further, deeper and higher on your path by tapping into the energy of our Air Signs for freedom of speech and love of all humanity! Enjoy your day loves. 

Tommorrow Join us for our Early Morning Show at 8am EST: 

Cosmic Grove~ Intuitive Moon Predictions for the week ahead and Free Intuitive Readings

Call in 818-369-0368 or logon http://blogtalkradio.com/anpuastrology

Infinite's message of the day: "Make choices not just for your self but for your planet and the people of your planet, we are all one, your choices affect us all." 

Meditation of Today:

View a copy of the 42 Laws of Maat. Find a quiet space to settle into. Gently tune into your breath and find your source of energy as you inhale and exhale. Bring to mind the 42 laws of Maat or laws of nature. Allow the ones that resonate with your life to come forward. The laws that usually jump out are the ones that you should focus on balancing in your life. Not harshly judging yourself but realizing that if you work towards right mind and balance, life will be so much better. The 42 laws of Maat were basic principles that keeps you in a state of responsibility with sharing the planet with other animals. plant life, and people. So making choices to make every one's life a blessing is ideal. Meditate on realistic choices you can make so that you are in harmony not with just the 42 laws of Maat but the law of nature to co-exist and treat everything with love. Journal when you are finished and do your best everyday!

Energies of Today:
Embrace the energies of today and merge yourself with the expressions of the cosmic heavens and earth. Click on the underlined link to learn more about the topics. 

 Numerology: Today is 21 =3 day/January 21, 2014=2/ Day 21/344 days left in year

Planet of the day: Mars/Tuesday~ is a YANG or (MALE) energy day, ruled by the planet Mars. These are the colors for courage, revenge, power over enemies, higher education, endurance, violence, fast action, surgery, breaking away of negative energies, matrimony, war, prison, hunting, politics and physical competitions, leadership, any blood healing, and lust.

Sun Sign: Aquarius/Air Sign Jan.20 - Feb.18~ Visionaries, progressive peacemakers, silly, life of the party, and passionate. Aquarius energy showers the world with new thoughts and ideas to make the world a better place. 

Moon Sign of the Day: Libra at 8:43am EST~ Favors cooperation, beautification of surroundings, social activities, balance, partnerships.

Herb of the Day:  Raspberry Leaf, Ginseng Leaf, Dandelion Root

Essential Oil of the Day: Vetiver, Clove, Juniper

Colors of the Day: Reds and Oranges

Chakra of the Day: Mooladhara/1st/Base of Spine

Sound of the Day: Lam

Incense of the Day: Sandalwood

Gem/Stone of the Day: Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Garnet

Foods for the Day: If you’d like to release a fear around eating or feelings of distrust, the root chakra is the place to be. In fact, eating issues stem from the need to protect oneself. Under- or over-eating may cause you to feel scattered or flighty, but the root chakra helps you to feel grounded and in your body so that you can be in the present moment. Assist your root chakra by eating with others in community and honoring your body’s instinct on what to eat by dialoguing with your body on food choices. Foods for grounding and protection: Protein, minerals, root vegetables, edible and medicinal mushrooms, red-colored foods.

Medicine Card of Today: Lizard Card 16 Dreaming
If Lizard dreamed a space in your life this day, it may time to look and see what is
following along behind you. It is your fears, your future trying to catch up to you, or is it
the part of you that wants to ignore your weaknesses and humanness?
Lizard may be telling you to pay attention to your dreams and their symbols.
Make a dream log and record all that you remember. Be sure to pay attention to each
individual symbol or recurring pattern. if you do not remember your dreams upon waking n the morning, set an alarm for 2:00 or 3:00 Am, or drink a lot of water before you go to
bed and allow your bladder to wake you up. Dreams are very important. Pay attention to

Tree of the Day: Holly

Yoga Pose of the Day: Fire Breath

Good Read for the Day: 42 Laws of Maat

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