Saturday, January 18, 2014

Cosmic Grove: Moon Transitions to Virgo

Virgo Waning Moon

Waning Moon in St. Louis Friday Night 1/17/2014

Happy Saturday Fam! Today our Moon is void all day until 9:23 EST when it enters Virgo. Void of course is when the Moon reaches near the end degrees of the zodiac sign that it has been traveling through and begins the to transition into the next sign. This period of time is when you may seem confused or not sure what to do. It's literally a time out period. If you try to do too much you may experience frustration and delays. Expect the unexpected during this time. It is a good idea to hold off on signing contracts, making major purchases, just making decisions all together. Saving these choices for later will save you money, time and your sanity. There are quite a few do's and don'ts during a void of course period.
 Do Read, Meditate, Pray, Organize, exercise, routine chores, watch a movie, or take a nap.
Don't make large purchases, make health or medical appointments, go on a first date or get married, sign a a contract, repair automobiles or appliances, and please don't travel during this time or expect delays or baggage issues. 
   So after a day of uncertainty we enter stable and witty Virgo. Virgo is a mutable (prepare for change into the next season) and intelligent Earth sign. Virgo energy is very slow moving, communicative and pays close attention to details. Virgos are very grounded and like routine, anything too outside of the box for them will create a nervous uneasiness. This energy also deals with commands from higher up, and focuses on daily routine as well as hygiene. 

Message of Today:
"I give you time to dance into the darkness of the heavens in silence. Embrace the quiet cycle of the Moon and do nothing."

Meditation of Today:
After you have completed your morning routine, inspire to sit and do nothing. Find a nice cozy spot preferably in nature or by a window. Prepare your space for peace. Clear your mind by focusing on deep inhalations and exhalations. Allow your energy to rise through your breath. Quiet everything around you. Call unto your God, not your spirit family, just your God. Don't talk, just listen. Journal when God is finished talking to you. Still do nothing as long as you can, preferably until the evening. Enjoy.

Energies of Today:

 Numerology: Today is 18 =9 day/January 18, 2014=8/ Day 18/347 days left in year

Planet of the day: Saturn/Saturday~ Saturday is female or YIN energy ruled by Saturn the energy of discipline and structure. Saturday has the energies of obstacles to overcome a block, spirit communication, meditation, life, freedom, self-discipline, protection, but also limitations to give or break energies, locating lost items and people, the elderly, endings, death, the destroying of disease and pests, constricting and those constricting you, psychic defense.

Sun Sign: Capricorn/Earth Sign Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Moon Sign of the Day:Virgo

Herb of the Day:  Licorice Root, Sage, Slippery Elm

Essential Oil of the Day: Cypress, Mint, Sage

Colors of the Day: Black, Purple, Grey, Indigo

Chakra of the Day: Vishuddhi/5th/Throat
Sound of the Day: Ham

Incense of the Day: Chamomile

Gem/Stone of the Day: Turquoise, Blue Agate, Aquamarine

Foods for the Day: the throat chakra illuminates our truth, authenticity, and choices. It is also the portal of entry for foods and a center of high activity (e.g. swallowing, chewing, talking, and breathing). When we do not speak authentically about our desired foods choices (e.g. saying “yes” when we really mean “no”), we create an imbalance in the throat chakra. Uphold your throat chakra’s personal truth by honoring your body’s choices, eating mindfully, chewing carefully, and communicating focus. Foods for communication and truth: Sea plants, soups, sauces, juices, fruits.

Medicine Card of Today: Snake Card 16 Transmutation
Snake medicine people are very rare. Their initiation involves experiencing and
living through multiple snake bites, which allows them to transmute all poisons, be they
mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional. The power of snake medicine is the power of
creation, for it embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension
(or immortality).

Tree of the Day: Alder

Yoga Pose of the Day: Earth Salutation

Book to Read Today: The Power of Silence

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