Sunday, December 29, 2013

Energies of Today: Surrounding Yourself With The Elements

Element Love for a Prosperous Life
We are counting down to a New Year starting with a beautiful New Moon! On New Years Day  I will release a Harmony Article for all of the Sacred Days and Energies of 2014. We're thankful for all of the beautiful life that surrounds us expressed through the elements. This is the energy that supports our life on Earth, and without it we would not be or exist. Even though we are surrounded by Earth, Air (Oxygen), Fire (Sun), and Water everyday, do we consciously give thanks for it? Do we acknowledge the energy and not take it for granted? When we are in tune and aligned with all of the expressions through the infinite we are blessed with more and more. Each day when you witness the miraculous beauty that surrounds your every moment of life, take a moment or even more to immerse your self in gratitude and honor of the elemental forces. No matter what religion you are everyone uses Earth everyday, this is our home and shelter, our food, and our provider. We use Air, this is our life force, oxygen, atmosphere, wind, and thoughts. We absorb fire, energy, heat, and life from the Sun. We intake water, for nourishing, cleansing, our bodies and everyday items. Today and everyday let's be grateful for the abundance we have received in this life on this journey on our planet Earth. Let's start this prosperous New Moon and New Year in harmony with all that exist within us and outside of us, all people, all religions, are parts of our Earth and Universe.
Be Harmony.
Embrace the Elements
Nourishing Air~ Nourish fresh plants in your home for a clean abundant flow of oxygen.
Fresh Air~ Open your windows as much as possible to keep fresh air in your home.
Ancestor Altar~ Prepare an altar for your Ancestors to keep the element of communication alive.
Express Yourself~ Chant and Pray out loud daily to charge the air and space that surrounds you with positive life and energy.
Soar Above~ Collect/Wear feathers to honor the energy of flying, practice conscious dreaming utilizing the power of birds to fly in between Heaven and Earth to manifest your desires.

Nourishing Fire~ Sun charge your body for 10-15 minutes daily. You will receive an immense amount of energy and vitamins. If it's winter time at noon go to a window to receive your power.
Fresh Fire~ Utilize the flames from candles for manifestation prayers and to light your homes at night. The candles signifies the power to absorb your prayer and merges it with the abundant law to have what you want, when the flame goes out expect your blessing to arrive at the right time. Lighting your home with SAFE candles at night instead of night lights not only saves on your bills but connects you to the element of illumination.
Sacred Fire~ Experience a Sweat Lodge for spiritual purification. If a sweat lodge is not near you visit a sauna or hot springs. You can also utilize fire herbs to cleanse, purify and empower your body, like ginger, cayenne, radish etc.
Power Fire~ Utilize your sacred sexual energy to creatively transform your life. If you are not intimate for a day, week or even months, utilize that power and time that you would normally spend on sex to charge a project, desirable goal, or dream to manifest. Sexual energy is the best energy, it creates human life and can transform yours!
Fire Regeneration~ Honor the cycles of your body by not succumbing to losing your power. As you get older each day you should regenerate not degenerate. Keep your fire energy alive and enjoy your hobbies, interest and balanced lifestyle to live your life to the fullest!
Empower~ Charge the water you use to drink, wash your body, clothes and dishes by speaking positive words into it. Water absorbs anything around it, so make it what u want!
Drink Pure Water~ Try to purify your water at home with a filter system vs. purchasing bottled water. It is more convenient and affordable. You can even catch Rain Water in a clean container to drink!
Power Water~ Create Moon Water (Set a glass jug of water outside on the eve of the Full or New Moon Night), Gem Elixr's (infuse gem stones in a jar of pure water), and holy water (pray over water and keep it in a cobalt blue jar in a sacred place).
Blessed Water~ Dance in the rain, take a special bath, swim in a ocean, river or stream, embrace water.
Sacred Water~ Place salt water in corners of your home to dispel and absorb negative energy, change the water daily. Use a bowl of moon charged water to communicate with your ancestors and spirit family.
Nourishing Earth~ Eat local fresh herbs, fruits and veggies everyday to connect to the Earth. Start a small indoor pot or outdoor garden. (Try not to consume too much canned, frozen and dehydrated foods. Even if you are a meat eater of vegetarian make sure your diet is wholesome.)
Fresh Earth~ Frequently dig your feet into the grass, mud or sand for Earth power. If it is cold where you are visit a tree, touch, hug and send love to the tree, it will offer you it's love and wisdom in
Sacred Earth~ Travel to the energy portals on Earth to enhance your power and connect to ancient Earth wisdom. There are so many so take your pick just to name a few Elmina, Ghana beach and castle, Cahokia Mound East Saint Louis, Serpent Mound Ohio, Sedona Arizona, Redwood National State Park California, and the ancient Pyramids in Kemet to name a few.
Power Earth~ Collect and/or harvest Crystals. Crystals are easy to find and affordable, do some research on what crystals may assist you on your journey and where to purchase them.
Protect Her~ Do your part to honor your home (Earth) and treat her with respect and with sacred love. Pick up trash in your area and streams, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE (it's so easy), don't use harsh chemicals unless necessary.
Infinite~ Speak to the infinite (God, Creator, Most High, Allah) daily as you awake, throughout your day and before dreaming at night. The immense power of life that surrounds you from having that constant communication and flow with such a powerful energy is unimaginable.
Ancestors~ Listen to stories from your elders and tell stories of your ancestors, build a relationship with them, they are speaking to you and guide you with love.
Angels~ Know that angels exist and are sent from the power of our infinite. There are 4 main Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel. Find your guardian angel.
Spirit Family~ Realize your destiny for incarnation on Earth at this time,  you will find that you have a spirit/soul family that you are connected to. They also support, love and guide you, they watch upon you from the realm of spirit.
Listen~ Tune in to your spirit, follow and listen to your intuition, your first mind. It knows your purpose, past, present and future and will not guide you wrong.
Honor~ All things that exist has a spirit. The vehicle/body that houses this spirit allows the spirit to express itself in different ways. The tree is alive with spirit and speaks a different language from the rock and stream, yet they are much alive and communicating. Honor these energies.
Message of Today:
" I created you to enjoy the elements of Earth, this is your heaven."
Meditation of Today:
Create a circle in your space of the elements. You can have soil for earth, a feather or leaf for air, a candle for fire, and a bowl of water for water. You can sit in the center for spirit. Tune into your breath. Imagine a lavender color bubble surrounding you, you feel at ease, peaceful and connected. In this bubble you can ask anything you wish and the answer will appear in front of you or you will hear it. The elements surrounding you will allow their wisdom to come through and you can connect with the frequency of how they communicate. This is how we begin to honor and exist with all elements. Continue with your meditation by breathing and speaking with spirit about what ever is on your heart. When you are finished thank your guidance bubble, see it lifting away, thank spirit and the elements, and know that you can always return back to this space.

Energies of Today:
 Numerology: Today is 29 =11 day/December 29, 2013= 2/ Day 363/2 days left in year

Planet of the day: Sun/Sunday~ Sunday is YANG or male energy ruled by the SUN. This day has the energies of health, leadership, healing, prosperity, self-knowledge, happiness, ego, hope, joy, strength, individuality, authority figures, fathers, husbands, protection, power and spirituality, promotions, power and fortune.

Sun Sign: Capricorn/Earth Sign Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Moon Sign of the Day: Scorpio~ increases awareness of psychic powers, precipitates physic crisis and ends connections thoroughly. People tend to brood and become secretive. It's an excellent time for changes transformation, inner work.

Herb of the Day:  Ginger, Cayenne

Essential Oil of the Day: Ginger

Color of the Day: Orange, yellow, gold, white.

Chakra of the Day: Nabhi/3rd/Solar Plexus/Above Navel

Sound of the Day: Ram

Incense of the Day: Grapefruit

Gem/Stone of the Day: Gold, Yellow Calcite

Foods for the Day: The solar plexus chakra gives us the spark we need to get things done and keeps that flame burning bright within to transform our energy inside and out. Problems here can arise when we are set on fire, go into overdrive, and lose our power. However, you can harness your energy and power to transform by looking at what foods you give yourself over to—do you deplete your body with sugars, soft drinks, and artificial sweeteners? Step into your power once again by eating more frequently through the day and by eating foods that sustain your energy, like low glycemic complex carbohydrates. Foods for power and transformation: Complex carbohydrates, fiber, whole grains, legumes, yellow-colored foods.

Medicine Card of Today: Turkey card 31 Giveaway

Depending on how Turkey has aspected in your cards you are being given a gift. This gift could be spiritual, material, or even intellectual. The gift may be great or small, but it is never insignificant. Congratulations. You may have just won the lottery, or the gift could be a beautiful sunset, or the smell of a fragrant flower. On the other hand you may feel the "spirit of giving" growing within you, and wanting you to share with others.

Tree of the Day: Birch

Yoga Pose of the Day: Sun Salutation

Book to Read Today: 5 Elements Spiritual

Monday, December 16, 2013

Have A Magical Day: Full Moon Giant 2013

December Moon of Manifestations
Saint Louis City Last Full Moon of 2013~ Moonday December 16, 2013 @ 5:03:31PM/CST

Happy Full Moon Day Fam!! We did it, we made it to the last Full Moon of the Year and we are 5 days from our Winter Solstice! I am absolutely positively excited!! So what do you do on the Greatest Full Moon of All of 2013? Well below I will list 5 tops things to do on this very special day. Most importantly, free up, dance naked, and have fun!

5 Top Things to do on the Last Full Moon of the Year

1. Recount the wishes, dreams, and seeds planted at the beginning of the year. Now remember how each one of these things unfolded and manifested in your life. Thank those that have assisted you and the infinite. Begin your new list of accomplishments for 2014.
2. Do a self-divination or reading. If you are not a reader, visit: or get a reading from a trusted source. This will help you plan the next sun cycle/year in your life.
3. Build a relationship with your ancestors. The ancients say the Full Moon is when our ancestors and spirit guides come to visit.
4. Fast for something sacred. Fast for a day either the eve of the Full Moon, the actual day or the day after. Create the fast to fit your needs. (Juice, Raw, Vegan, etc.)
5. Dance naked under the Moon! If you have yet to bask under the light of Mama Moon and you have a privacy fence or private back yard, you need to get it in! Doing this will guarantee your blessings to attract what you need in this coming year. Have Fun!

Message of Today: 
"Find balance in between the heavens and Earth, this is where dreams come true."

Meditation of Today: 
Meditate on goals to complete in 2014. Write them on paper. Take a warm bath and toss in your goals. Soak them up!

Energies of Today:

Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. 

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Gender Energy: Yin/Female
Numerology: Today is  = 16 day/December 16, 2013= 16/ Day 350/15 days left in year
Planet of the day: Moon/Monday~ Peace, Sleep, Compassion, friends, psychic awareness, purification, women's mysteries, protection, emotions, dreams, clairvoyance, home, family, medicine, female fertility, messages, theft and voyages. Subconscious healing's, sisters, small animals and children, wives, instincts, the female side of the MALE and Mothers.
 Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Gemini/Air~ Communication, games and fun
Herb of the Day: Lavender, Frankincense, Nutmeg, 
Essential Oil of the Day: Lavender, Jasmine, Rose
Color of the Day: Amber
Chakra of the Day: Sahasrara/7th/Crown of Head
Sound of the Day: Om
Incense of the Day: Hyacinth
Gem/Stone of the Day: Diamond, Amethyst, Labradorite
Tree of the day: Willow Tree
Medicine Card of the Day: Raven Medicine Card 16
Foods for the Day: The crown chakra is the part of us that connects us to all of life. If you feel severed from something larger—the cosmos, the planet, the human race, or your community—or you are longing for deeper meaning in life, choosing to see the act of eating as an event of interconnection may be very satisfying. In essence, eating is a divine act that connects you with the lineage of every form of life that was involved in the creation of the food. By using foods as a symbol of connection, you can connect to that which is sacred and deep. Foods for unification and interconnection: Sun- and moon-light, clean air, unconditional love.
Yoga Pose of the: Tadasana, Headstand, King Cobra
What to Read Today: Using the Moon to Manifest

Friday, December 13, 2013

Energies of Today: Sacred Parenting for Indigo Children

Sacred Parenting for Indigo Children
Fam it's Venus Friday and we are surrounded with the gentle reminder to love, accept, and honor your children just how they are. We are surrounded by our increasing Moon in Taurus and our Medicine Card of the day is Deer with the energy of gentleness. Venus is the planet for love, peace, balance, gentleness, harmony, reconciliation, beauty, and things created during the energy of a Taurus Moon tends to increase in value and last the longest. Not to mention we are 4 days away from our last Full Moon of 2013. The Full Moons carry the energy of nurturing, full feminine energy, and illuminating things we don't want to face or deal with. It also tends to pull on the negative ions within the entire self bringing our bad side out so that we can heal, change and deal with it.
The energy of the Deer card brought awareness of the way we handle our children's behavior. Many of us are a aware of the extensive knowledge and wisdom our children bring with them through birth. It is amazing to see how their old souls express themselves through their little bodies. This is the age of the Indigo children and we have to handle them with care. I have 3 sons and am currently facing some difficult times with my middle child. He get's easily frustrated sometimes and I know this is linked to his confidence, and pressures from school. I do everything possible to inspire him, keep him happy and lift his spirits during these times, and you know sometimes it just doesn't work, and I can become frustrated. If I am frustrated it then makes the situation worse, and then he feels like he has done something wrong and that I don't like him due to his behavior. It's tough at times when you have to balance love and discipline. I am not a disciplining type of Mom, I just like my children to be free and happy, I like to talk to them and crack jokes all of the time. But when attitudes and behaviors fly out of the way, and consistently as well, how do you handle it without negatively affecting your child's emotions and also teaching them a valuable lesson at the same time? In the mist of my son expressing his frustrations because he can't get his way, I always talk to him or send him to have alone time to vent, and also for me to vent to deal with him properly and not out of anger. This is one of the number one things I don't like about my self as a parent and as well as others, when we react to our children's behavior before thinking through our own frustrations or issues. I am still a working progress and have greatly improved! I always like to think to myself, if I had a boss would I want my boss to yell at me or belittle me even if I did do something wrong? No, I would want him to speak to me with respect and respond to my mistake with compassion and wisdom to guide me in the right direction the next time. This is what our children need. We should not make them feel horrible because they made a bad choice, this severely affects their self-esteem, it makes them feel unworthy. Especially with most of us parents now realizing the hurt and pain we experienced as children due to our parents not having the proper knowledge, guidance and wisdom to raise us properly. Many of us now have that very sacred ancient energy pouring through us and we are healing our selves and should focus that energy to our children as well so that there will be less healing they have to do when they grow up. Instead they can already be in a healthy state of mind and grounded in their own power and identity to live out their destiny's in life. As awakened parents it is our job to to break the bad DNA chains that have been instilled in us over the generations and rebuild those links with the proper energy and power to pass on to our little ones.
The deer card is telling us to find the gentleness of spirit that heals all wounds and stop pushing so hard to get our children to change, accept them how they are. I will share the medicine of deer. 
"One day Fawn heard Great Spirit calling to her from the top of Sacred Mountain. Fawn
immediately started up the trail. She did not know that a horrible demon guarded the way to
Great Spirit's lodge. The demon was trying to keep all the being of creation from connecting
with Great Spirit. He wanted all of Great Spirit's creatures to feel that Great Spirit did not want to
be disturbed. This would make the demon fell powerful, and capable of causing them to fear
 Fawn was not at all frightened when she came upon the demon. This was curious, as the
demon as the archetype of all the ugly monsters that have ever been. The demon breathed fire
and smoke and made disgusting sounds to frighten Fawn. Any normal creature would have fled
or died on the spot from fright.
 Fawn, however, said gently to the demon, "Please let me pass. I am on the way to see
Great Spirit."
 Fawn's eyes were filled with love and compassion for this over sized bully of a demon.
The demon was astounded by Fawn's lack of fear. No matter how he tried, he could not frighten
Fawn, because her love had penetrated his hardened, ugly heart.
 Much to demon's dismay, his rock-hard heart began to melt, and his body shrank to the
size of walnut. Fawn's persistent love and gentleness had caused the melt-down of the demon.
Due to this gentleness and caring that Fawn embodied, the pathway is now clear for all of Great
Spirit's children to reach Sacred Mountain without having to feel the demons of fear blocking
their way.
 Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness to touch the hearts and minds of wounded
beings who are trying to keep us from Sacred Mountain. Like the dappling Fawn's coat, both the
light and dark may be loved to create gentleness and safety for those who are seeking peace.
 If Deer has gently nudged its way into your cards today, you are being asked to find the
gentleness of spirit that heals all wounds. Stop pushing so hard to get others to change, and love
them as they are. Apply gentleness to your present situation and become like the summer breeze:
warm and caring. This is your tool for solving the present dilemma you are facing. If you use it,
you will connect with Sacred Mountain, your centering place of serenity, and Great Spirit will
guide you."

Message of the Day: 

"Your children chose you, you're they're light, cherish they're innocence and don't inflict unnecessary wounds on them due to they're mistakes. They chose to come through you and you chose to create them and give them the best experience as children on this journey."

Meditation of the Day:

Find a quiet place, and have a pen and paper handy. Close your eyes, tune into your breath, and embrace slow deep breathing. When you mind is calm, your body is relaxed and you are ready, bring to mind the earliest remembrance of childhood. Smile at the things you liked, cry if you need to about the things you did not like. If you could have done anything different about your childhood think of that. Allow all of the energies to come up from your childhood that you can handle. Begin to write these things down in different columns.  1 column for what you liked, 1 column for what you didn't like, and 1 more column for how you would've changed the things you did not like. In this energy bring to mind your child, step into their shoes. Do you really know your child, do you know their thoughts, how they feel about themselves, what makes them feel like a champ? Do you know what makes them feel low, sad or like a bad person. Compare the energies of your child with how you felt as a child. Think about the experiences you had as a child compared to the experiences your child is having with you. Are you protecting your child, are you giving them your all, do they feel loved and special. Do you make sure to genuinely tell your child each day how special, and loved they are? I can not tell you how to begin to implement these things into your life. What I can say is meditate on what is realistic for you to make sure you repeat the same things that were good for you as a child and do not repeat the bad things that happened to you as a child .. Molestation is a big problem. Not just with adults violating children's private areas, but also children violating other children's private areas, which opens them up to sexual promiscuity at a young age. Talk with your child regularly about things that will not come up in simple everyday conversations, don't pry, be at a oneness of energy so your child flows off of your vibes and feels safe and comfortable discussing the issues and feelings they have about being a child. I know we are all excellent parents, but spirit is shining a light on somethings to make sure we are giving our all and raising healthy holistic children.

Energies of Today

Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. 

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Gender Energy: Yin/Female
Numerology: Today is  = 13 day/December 13, 2013= 13/ Day 347/18 days left in year
Planet of the day: Friday/Venus~ love and pleasure, peace, romance, marriage, attraction, friendships, gentleness, ease, partnerships, art, music, sexual matters, affairs of the heart, physical beauty, scents and perfumes, social activities, women’s problems, protection and affairs. 
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Taurus/Earth~ sensual, loyal, reliable, ambitious, financial stability, determination
Herb of the Day: Hawthorn Berries, Jasmine, Rose, Hyssop
Essential Oil of the Day: pine, cedarwood, rose, rosewood, cardamon, goldenrod
Color of the Day: Pink, green, aqua
Chakra of the Day: Anahata/Heart/4th/ Middle of Chest
Sound of the Day: Yam
Incense of the Day: Lavender
Gem/Stone of the Day: Emerald, Jade, Rose Quartz, Malachite
Tree of the day: Apple Tree
Medicine Card of the Day: Deer Medicine Card 4
Foods for the Day: The heart chakra encompasses our ability to give and receive love. When this is area is not in balance, it can leave your heart energy dry and lackluster. Through the process of sharing foods with others in a mutual exchange, you can practice giving and receiving love in a healthy way. The heart chakra blossoms when we express gratitude for eating, donate to food banks, and infuse love into our food and water. Foods for love and compassion: Vegetables, sprouts, raw foods, foods rich in chlorophyll, any green-colored foods.
Yoga Pose of the Day: Heart Salutation

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Energies of Today: Expanding Your Sacred Spiral

Sacred Spiral of Life
Fam it's Jupiter Thursday and it's time for expanding all things sacred in your life! Jupiter the largest and most abundant planet, the lord of plenty has the energy of expanding any and everything sacred to you in your life. All of your passions, desires, wants and needs. It draws us to a sense of fullness and offers a more alchemic feel to life. It is the planet that actually assist you and your powers transforming mere thoughts, simple wishes, and right choices of action into beautifully manifested successful results! I absolutely love Jupiter and the fact that me and my children were Thursday born! So every Thursday for me is an adventure, my special sacred day that  I watch and enjoy all of my wishes from the past week manifest. Life is so special and sacred and is so much better lived with awareness of all the ancient real energies that we are created with and that we're surrounded by. If for one moment you forget about human history and just meditate on all of the energy that the galaxies, stars, and planets hold within, the power pulsing through the cosmic heavens and how ancient and old this energy is,  you will completely understand the reason to live your life in harmony with the planets.  Learning the placement of your planets and it's affect in your life will really align you with the power of these ancient energies. Life will all just start to make sense. 

Sacred Spiral
Today the we have very special Animal Medicine from the Native American Medicine Cards. We have the energy of the Grouse. Now, I didn't know what a Grouse was until today! So when the card jumped out I realized I've owned this deck for years and have never worked with it's energy. It comes as the card 34 number 7 in numerology and represents the Sacred Spiral, it's a bird native to North America and once flocked in abundance. 

The spiral is so evident in many parts of our lives, our DNA, Brain, Kundalini energy, our coily hair, the vaginal canal, and so many more things. The DNA itself is compiled of spirals imprinted with our original soul essence, experiences, memories, and purpose. This is why it is easy to change the DNA consciously and unconsciously. I will quote some passages from the Medicine Book  on the energy of spiral and Grouse. "Many plain Indian tribes dance the Grouse dance to honor these birds. The movement of the dance follows a spiral, which is the ancient symbol of birth and rebirth, the ribbed tunnel of eternal return.  The Sacred Spiral is also one of the oldest know symbols for personal power.

When you think of Grouse medicine, visualize a whirlpool or even a tornado, for the
Sacred Spiral will take you to the Center. The spiral is a metaphor for personal vision
and enlightenment. Many initiates on Vision Quests paint spirals on their bodies and
believe that the Great Mystery will favor them with visions of power and purpose because
of this symbol.
 The whirling dervishes of certain Sufi orders are masters of the spiral dance and
can transcend to higher states of awareness through the repetition of this sacred
movement. It is said that dervishes can travel to the center of the spiral and return with
any magical power they choose. In the dervish state, on enters the Great Silence and has
direct communication with the Creator. By spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise, the
dervish draws or repulses specific energies. Sufi dancing is a system which connects one
with the Divine Source through ritual treatment of motion.

 If you have Grouse Medicine, undertake a meditation on the various qualities of
movement within your world. Begin by visualizing the sun as one member of a huge
group of stars swirling in the massive pinwheel shape of the Milky Way. Then draw
yourself out of this pinwheel of light and into the spiraling of your own DNA's double
helix, an arrangement similar to a rope ladder coiled like a corkscrew.
 Analyze the way you move through your world. How do you picture yourself in
the act of locomotion? What kind of reaction do you create with the energy you send into
the universe? What words would you use to describe the way you move through both the
material and spiritual worlds? In the final analysis, is your movement compatible with
your greatest desires and goals?

 Many spiritual disciplines ask that you cease all external movement in order to
recognize the inner life. Grouse medicine, however, is an invitation to the dance. Grouse
celebrates the Divine Source through its sacred spiral dance, and offers this dance to you
as a gift. You can spend a lifetime learning Grouse's lesson on how to harmonize your
dance with Mother Earth's cycles, and how to offer the dance as a creation of selfless

Message of the day:

 "Merge your spirit with the spiraling energy of your guardian planet, this will soar you into the heavens higher than you've ever imagined. The Full Moon is coming and your ancestors will guide you there"

Meditation of the Day:
 Remembering your Galaxy. Find a quiet and relaxing place for yourself and gather a paper/pen. Research the day of the week you were born, write it down with the time, date, sun sign, moon phase/ astrology sign and location of your birth. Holding these sacred writing between your palms blow of over it bringing these energies to life. If you can place it inside of your shirt over your heart. Close your eyes. Take slow, deep, rhythmic breaths in and out. Intentionally ask your angel, ancestors and spirit guides with assisting you with connecting with your spiraling galaxy that brought you here, your cosmic soul home. Accept and know that this energy will reveal itself when you are ready and willing to embrace it and the truth. Once it is shown to you either this time around or the next time write down the messages, energies, and feelings you receive. Visit this portal and energy center often to connect with your cosmic family, receive guidance, and spiritual support. 

Energies of Today
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. The Orisha today is Obatala and his number is 8 and today is the 8th how awesome is that!! Enjoy!

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Gender Energy: Yang/Male
Numerology: Today is  = 12 day/December 12, 2013= 12/ Day 346/19 days left in year
Planet of the day: Thursday/Jupiter~ Abundance, Luck, growth, expansion, male fertility, olden men, masculine side of the female, legal matters, health, honor, wealth, clothing, desires, men’s professions and spiritual attainment
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Taurus/Earth~ sensual, loyal, reliable, ambitious, financial stability, determination
Herb of the Day: Marshmallow Root, Bergamotnt, Lemon Balm, Rosemary
Essential Oil of the Day: Spikenard, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Sandalwood
Color of the Day: Royal Purple and Royal Blue
Chakra of the Day: Nhabi/Solar Plexus 3rd/ Slightly above navel
Sound of the Day: Ram
Incense of the Day: Sandalwood
Gem/Stone of the Day: Emerald, Yellow Calcite, Yellow Sapphire, Gold
Tree of the day: Oak
Medicine Card of the Day: Grouse Medicine Card 34
Foods for the Day: Whereas the root chakra likes to keep us stable and planted, the sacral chakra opens us up to flow and movement. Difficulty expressing emotions, creativity, or having fun are all indicators that you are not “going with the flow.” Consequently, you may become prone to overeating and stuffing yourself with food to keep your emotions down, but when you unleash your emotions, it gives your spirit the energy to create and enjoy! Allow your sacral chakra to swim freely by spending time creating meals and by paying attention to your senses when eating. Foods for flow and feelings: Fats and oils (especially omega-3s), fish, tropical fruits, seeds, nuts, orange-colored foods.
Yoga Pose of the Day: Sun Salutation
What to Read Today: Reincarnation and Starseeds

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Energies of Today: For the Love of Mercury

Awaken Your Inner Healer Everyday
Today is the day of the Diviners, wisdom seekers, book worms, and spirit communicaters. Actually everyday is that day for us! Mercury governs Wednesdays so the energy of this planet vibes stronger on these days. When I think of divining (being your own oracle), wisdom seeking (knowledge from the first moment of life and into the future), book worms (studying knowledge from collective minds), and spirit communicaters (those who acknowledge and see/talk to spirits regularly), I automatically think of Reiki (Rei~infinite wisdom Ki~life force) or energy healing. All of those things are Reiki. Even though Reiki is a Japanese complimentary technique of healing and oneness founded and created by Dr. USUI in the 1900's it has been around since life first existed on our planet. What I appreciate about Dr. USUI was that he reinvented in the East and West what we were slowly slipping away from due to technology. In the more indigenous parts of the East and West some still held on to the ancient energy of healing. Reiki is a way of life, it creates oneness with all things that exist by utilizing your body as a vessel for the love, light, and total complete oneness of the creator to flow through your at high and I mean high vibrant rates. Giving and receiving Reiki literally feels like pulsing energy of softness, love, or a vibrant warm glow covering, hovering or flowing beautifully through your body. A lot of people ask, "So how does Reiki work?" It works through intent, the intent of you wanting to communicate with your soul body to pick up on blockages of energy in your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical energetic centers in order to heal them. It works through your connection with the divine and your higher self wanting to be complete and at bliss. So once you say I want to balance my life, my energy, my love, Reiki or the infinite energy flows through you. 

What does that mean when it flows? That means when you intentionally speak these things, your lotus blossoms on your crown, your root Chakra flows its roots into the Earth, and your 5 mid Chakras begin to vibe and open. The creator begins to pour it's light and love over your crown. The energy then begins to flow all through you, over you, and around you. It pulses through your hands and that's where the work begins! Everything you touch is charged, purified and begins to heal. You can Reiki your bed, mirror, phone, a meeting in the future, your children, family, body, food, water, past lives, ancestors, Money!! All things that exists receive and love Reiki. You do not have to be attuned to Reiki to receive it's abundance, yet being attuned will take your Healing capacity to the highest level you will allow yourself to go. Being attuned aligns you with ancient sacred symbols used as portals for energy to flow through to heal particular situations. It also aligns you with the sacred energy of all of the traditional healers before you, all of the energy and voices of the elements, as well as realigns your DNA code to activate parts of your brain and glands to higher levels and dimensions of power as a human. The healing energy does not come from you, it flows through you from the creator. So when you re-code your DNA your brain begins to think in higher levels of consciousness, which opens doors you've never imagined. Why couldn't you have imagined these things? Surely because our brains were dormant and shut off from living in a constant oppressed state of a lesser human virbrancy generation after generation. All in all, Reiki is that deal! When I train others as Reiki healers, masters and teachers we learn about ancient African traditional ways, we focus on clearing our bad habits and overflow of negativity before even thinking of healing someone else. We have fun discovering our super human energies and higher planes of existence, we become Reiki.

Message of Today: 
"The creator flows through me at an abundant rate, I am at one with all things created, I am one with the infinite!"

Today's Meditation:
Find quiet space, tune into your breath, allow deep breathing and calm the mind. Speak your intent to connect to the infinite and speak with your higher self. Imagine a lotus unfolding on your crown as you breathe. As you inhale imagine and feel a pure white or lavender colored light flowing into your crown from the heavens. As you exhale feel yourself surrounded by that light, as it begins to rotate and revolve around you continuously. Rub your hands together to awaken the flow of healing power. Slowly begin by placing your hands on your crown and imagine that same pure light flowing from your hands over your crown. Stay here as long as needed and move on slowly to all areas of your body. Each place my need to have your hands heal them longer or shorter than others. Most importantly just be aware of what you sense, hear and feel while you are healing the different areas of yourself. Make a mental note if you feel any cold areas or areas that feel like there is a spiritual block. Journal these things when finish and consistently heal yourself as often as you can. 

Energies of Today
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. The Orisha today is Obatala and his number is 8 and today is the 8th how awesome is that!! Enjoy!

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Gender Energy: Yang/Male
Numerology: Today is  = 11 day/December 11, 2013= 11/ Day 345/20 days left in year
Planet of the day: Wednesday/Mercury~ Conscious mind, study, travel, divination, mental clarity, teaching, negotiations, healing's, self-improvements.
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Aries/Fire~ beginnings, bold, spontaneous, confident, energetic
Herb of the Day: Gardenia, Calendula, Burdock, Damiana
Essential Oil of the Day: Lemongrass, melissa, orange
Color of the Day: Yellow, orange, grey, violet
Chakra of the Day: Swadisthan/Sacral,2nd/Genitals/Reproductive Organs
Sound of the Day: Vam
Incense of the Day: Lotus
Gem/Stone of the Day: Tiger's Eye, Golden Topaz, Carnelian, Moonstone
Tree of the day: Hazel
Medicine Card of the Day: Raven Card 16~ Magic
Foods for the Day: Whereas the root chakra likes to keep us stable and planted, the sacral chakra opens us up to flow and movement. Difficulty expressing emotions, creativity, or having fun are all indicators that you are not “going with the flow.” Consequently, you may become prone to overeating and stuffing yourself with food to keep your emotions down, but when you unleash your emotions, it gives your spirit the energy to create and enjoy! Allow your sacral chakra to swim freely by spending time creating meals and by paying attention to your senses when eating. Foods for flow and feelings: Fats and oils (especially omega-3s), fish, tropical fruits, seeds, nuts, orange-colored foods.
Yoga Pose of the Day: Sitting and Standing Squat

What to Read Today: Healing Yourself with Reiki

Monday, December 9, 2013

Moon Day

Everyday is Moon Day
It's Moonday Fam and I am excited, because I love the energy of the Moon! We now know that the days of the weeks are named after the planets & stars in our galaxy and particularly because the energy of the planet or star is more prevalent on that day. After having a conversation last night with an elder about the particular deities being assigned a day, she said there are so many deities and not enough days of the week and we tend to forget about all of the other ones outside of the 7. I agree, so I proclaim everyday is Moon Day right!? Every day our Moon is there activating different aspects of our consciousness, mental/emotional body, our dreams and feminine aspects. Our moon governs particular energies in our life and bodies. She is also Earth's closest allies in the heavens. She assist us with so much, our gravitational force, the balance of moisture and water on earth and inside our bodies as well as illumination at night when tour Sun is on the other side of her. Our ancients and farmers of today know the rhythms of the Moon simply because it is important to survive, it truly just makes life more enjoyable and easier. Knowing the positions of the Moon in the galaxy among the stars, as well as to what phase the Moon is in, allows life to make sense as to why certain things are going on. 
The phases of the Moon starts on the Dark Moon because she can not be seen in the sky. (this signifies the womb in preparation stage to create life and beneath the earth preparing the soil to sow seeds) When the Moon is dark it is always in the same sign as the Sun, the alignment in the heavens is the Earth, Moon and Sun. The Earth orbits the Sun, the Moon orbits the Earth, so when the Sun and Moon meets up in orbit it is considered the New Moon. The Moon is not passing in front of the Sun. This is when it lies closest to the Sun in the sky as seen from the Earth. More precisely, it is the instant when the Moon and the Sun have the same ecliptical longitude.This is the time to go within, the inner depths of yourself and retrieve the goals that you want to accomplish during the next journey of the Moon. Again the Moon illuminates our dreams, visions, and thoughts and assist all of the other elements within us and the heavens to make them come true and manifest.This is also a good time to banish bad habits, negative energies, relationships, and blockages in life. Anciently this was the time of a woman's rhythm when her Moon Time would come to release the old and prepare her womb for the new.
When the Moon is new it is a thin crescent in the sky and represents new beginnings, creations, and opportunities. It begins it's journey of receiving more and more light from the Sun for 14 days. Energy is increasing, dreams are more in depth and visions increase as well as activity to manifest our dreams planted during the Dark Moon. This is the energy when life is created, conception, seeds awaken and sprout. This energy expands through the half moon cycle and onto the Full Moon.
The Full Moon is the birthing of all seeds of life sown at the beginning of the phase. By this time in the cycle of the Moon you have reaped your rewards from your ambition and hard work. You are bursting with energy and fire to create your passionate desires. Your dreams are so profound full of guidance for the future and healing support to mend the past. The Full Moon is a celebration of abundance, prosperity, and new life. Many of your seeds are still coming to fruition and will fully blossom by the completion of the Moon Cycle. This is also the time when things hidden or misunderstood are illuminated for clarity and growth. This is also the time of the month when our Ancestors and spirit guides are most likely to visit us. Anciently if a woman is fertile and not pregnant this is the time for her readily create her child's life. 
From this point on the Moon is waning, the energy is drawing down.  This is the time for meditation, spiritual work, root work, intuition, and divination. Again we coming back around full circle to the Dark Moon so this is the time to be aware of your actions towards your goals and dreams to manifest them. This is the time to review and make corrections, heal disputes and make amends. This period lasts 14 days.

Message of the Day: " This is the moment to feel good about something you have accomplished on your journey. This is a time of feeling harmonious pride and of recognizing those who aided you in the process."

Meditation of the Day: Find the Moon in the Sky tonight or find an image on the moon to meditate upon. Closing your eyes and clearing your mind tune into your breath. Looking into the Moon, be aware of the energy that comes over you, and the thoughts and feelings that come to your mind. Spend as much time here as you need. you can even take a spiritual quest to the Moon. Journal your experiences.

Energies of Today
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. The Orisha today is Obatala and his number is 8 and today is the 8th how awesome is that!! Enjoy!

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Gender Energy: Female/Yin
Numerology: Today is  = 9 day/December 9, 2013= 9/ Day 343/22 days left in year
Planet of the day: Monday/Moon~ Peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friends, physic awareness, purification, medicine, mothers, and fertility.
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Pisces/Water~ intuitive, imaginative, sensual, generous, emotional, romantic
Herb of the Day: Lavender, Frankincense, Nutmeg, Rose
Essential Oil of the Day: Lavender, Jasmine, Nutmeg, Lotus
Color of the Day: White, cream, silver, light greys
Chakra of the Day: Sahasrara/7th/Crown of the Head
Sound of the Day: Om
Incense of the Day: Lotus
Gem/Stone of the Day: Moonstone
Tree of the day: Willow
Medicine Card of the Day: Moose Card 11
Foods for the Day: The crown chakra is the part of us that connects us to all of life. If you feel severed from something larger—the cosmos, the planet, the human race, or your community—or you are longing for deeper meaning in life, choosing to see the act of eating as an event of interconnection may be very satisfying. In essence, eating is a divine act that connects you with the lineage of every form of life that was involved in the creation of the food. By using foods as a symbol of connection, you can connect to that which is sacred and deep. Foods for unification and interconnection: Sun- and moon-light, clean air, unconditional love.
Yoga Pose of the Day: Moon Salutation
What to Read Today: Speak Your Truth