Element Love for a Prosperous Life
We are counting down to a New Year starting with a beautiful New Moon! On New Years Day I will release a Harmony Article for all of the Sacred Days and Energies of 2014. We're thankful for all of the beautiful life that surrounds us expressed through the elements. This is the energy that supports our life on Earth, and without it we would not be or exist. Even though we are surrounded by Earth, Air (Oxygen), Fire (Sun), and Water everyday, do we consciously give thanks for it? Do we acknowledge the energy and not take it for granted? When we are in tune and aligned with all of the expressions through the infinite we are blessed with more and more. Each day when you witness the miraculous beauty that surrounds your every moment of life, take a moment or even more to immerse your self in gratitude and honor of the elemental forces. No matter what religion you are everyone uses Earth everyday, this is our home and shelter, our food, and our provider. We use Air, this is our life force, oxygen, atmosphere, wind, and thoughts. We absorb fire, energy, heat, and life from the Sun. We intake water, for nourishing, cleansing, our bodies and everyday items. Today and everyday let's be grateful for the abundance we have received in this life on this journey on our planet Earth. Let's start this prosperous New Moon and New Year in harmony with all that exist within us and outside of us, all people, all religions, are parts of our Earth and Universe.
Be Harmony.
Embrace the Elements
Nourishing Air~ Nourish fresh plants in your home for a clean abundant flow of oxygen.
Fresh Air~ Open your windows as much as possible to keep fresh air in your home.
Ancestor Altar~ Prepare an altar for your Ancestors to keep the element of communication alive.
Express Yourself~ Chant and Pray out loud daily to charge the air and space that surrounds you with positive life and energy.
Soar Above~ Collect/Wear feathers to honor the energy of flying, practice conscious dreaming utilizing the power of birds to fly in between Heaven and Earth to manifest your desires.
Nourishing Fire~ Sun charge your body for 10-15 minutes daily. You will receive an immense amount of energy and vitamins. If it's winter time at noon go to a window to receive your power.
Fresh Fire~ Utilize the flames from candles for manifestation prayers and to light your homes at night. The candles signifies the power to absorb your prayer and merges it with the abundant law to have what you want, when the flame goes out expect your blessing to arrive at the right time. Lighting your home with SAFE candles at night instead of night lights not only saves on your bills but connects you to the element of illumination.
Sacred Fire~ Experience a Sweat Lodge for spiritual purification. If a sweat lodge is not near you visit a sauna or hot springs. You can also utilize fire herbs to cleanse, purify and empower your body, like ginger, cayenne, radish etc.
Power Fire~ Utilize your sacred sexual energy to creatively transform your life. If you are not intimate for a day, week or even months, utilize that power and time that you would normally spend on sex to charge a project, desirable goal, or dream to manifest. Sexual energy is the best energy, it creates human life and can transform yours!
Fire Regeneration~ Honor the cycles of your body by not succumbing to losing your power. As you get older each day you should regenerate not degenerate. Keep your fire energy alive and enjoy your hobbies, interest and balanced lifestyle to live your life to the fullest!
Empower~ Charge the water you use to drink, wash your body, clothes and dishes by speaking positive words into it. Water absorbs anything around it, so make it what u want!
Drink Pure Water~ Try to purify your water at home with a filter system vs. purchasing bottled water. It is more convenient and affordable. You can even catch Rain Water in a clean container to drink!
Power Water~ Create Moon Water (Set a glass jug of water outside on the eve of the Full or New Moon Night), Gem Elixr's (infuse gem stones in a jar of pure water), and holy water (pray over water and keep it in a cobalt blue jar in a sacred place).
Blessed Water~ Dance in the rain, take a special bath, swim in a ocean, river or stream, embrace water.
Sacred Water~ Place salt water in corners of your home to dispel and absorb negative energy, change the water daily. Use a bowl of moon charged water to communicate with your ancestors and spirit family.
Nourishing Earth~ Eat local fresh herbs, fruits and veggies everyday to connect to the Earth. Start a small indoor pot or outdoor garden. (Try not to consume too much canned, frozen and dehydrated foods. Even if you are a meat eater of vegetarian make sure your diet is wholesome.)
Fresh Earth~ Frequently dig your feet into the grass, mud or sand for Earth power. If it is cold where you are visit a tree, touch, hug and send love to the tree, it will offer you it's love and wisdom in
Sacred Earth~ Travel to the energy portals on Earth to enhance your power and connect to ancient Earth wisdom. There are so many so take your pick just to name a few Elmina, Ghana beach and castle, Cahokia Mound East Saint Louis, Serpent Mound Ohio, Sedona Arizona, Redwood National State Park California, and the ancient Pyramids in Kemet to name a few.
Power Earth~ Collect and/or harvest Crystals. Crystals are easy to find and affordable, do some research on what crystals may assist you on your journey and where to purchase them.
Protect Her~ Do your part to honor your home (Earth) and treat her with respect and with sacred love. Pick up trash in your area and streams, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE (it's so easy), don't use harsh chemicals unless necessary.
Infinite~ Speak to the infinite (God, Creator, Most High, Allah) daily as you awake, throughout your day and before dreaming at night. The immense power of life that surrounds you from having that constant communication and flow with such a powerful energy is unimaginable.
Ancestors~ Listen to stories from your elders and tell stories of your ancestors, build a relationship with them, they are speaking to you and guide you with love.
Angels~ Know that angels exist and are sent from the power of our infinite. There are 4 main Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel. Find your guardian angel.
Spirit Family~ Realize your destiny for incarnation on Earth at this time, you will find that you have a spirit/soul family that you are connected to. They also support, love and guide you, they watch upon you from the realm of spirit.
Listen~ Tune in to your spirit, follow and listen to your intuition, your first mind. It knows your purpose, past, present and future and will not guide you wrong.
Honor~ All things that exist has a spirit. The vehicle/body that houses this spirit allows the spirit to express itself in different ways. The tree is alive with spirit and speaks a different language from the rock and stream, yet they are much alive and communicating. Honor these energies.
Message of Today:
" I created you to enjoy the elements of Earth, this is your heaven."
Meditation of Today:
Create a circle in your space of the elements. You can have soil for earth, a feather or leaf for air, a candle for fire, and a bowl of water for water. You can sit in the center for spirit. Tune into your breath. Imagine a lavender color bubble surrounding you, you feel at ease, peaceful and connected. In this bubble you can ask anything you wish and the answer will appear in front of you or you will hear it. The elements surrounding you will allow their wisdom to come through and you can connect with the frequency of how they communicate. This is how we begin to honor and exist with all elements. Continue with your meditation by breathing and speaking with spirit about what ever is on your heart. When you are finished thank your guidance bubble, see it lifting away, thank spirit and the elements, and know that you can always return back to this space.
Energies of Today:
Numerology: Today is 29 =11 day/December 29, 2013= 2/ Day 363/2 days left in year
Numerology: Today is 29 =11 day/December 29, 2013= 2/ Day 363/2 days left in year
Planet of the day: Sun/Sunday~ Sunday is YANG or male energy ruled by the SUN. This day has the energies of health, leadership, healing, prosperity, self-knowledge, happiness, ego, hope, joy, strength, individuality, authority figures, fathers, husbands, protection, power and spirituality, promotions, power and fortune.
Sun Sign: Capricorn/Earth Sign Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Moon Sign of the Day: Scorpio~ increases awareness of psychic powers, precipitates physic crisis and ends connections thoroughly. People tend to brood and become secretive. It's an excellent time for changes transformation, inner work.
Herb of the Day: Ginger, Cayenne
Essential Oil of the Day: Ginger
Color of the Day: Orange, yellow, gold, white.
Chakra of the Day: Nabhi/3rd/Solar Plexus/Above Navel
Sound of the Day: Ram
Incense of the Day: Grapefruit
Gem/Stone of the Day: Gold, Yellow Calcite
Foods for the Day: The solar plexus chakra gives us the spark we need to get things done and keeps that flame burning bright within to transform our energy inside and out. Problems here can arise when we are set on fire, go into overdrive, and lose our power. However, you can harness your energy and power to transform by looking at what foods you give yourself over to—do you deplete your body with sugars, soft drinks, and artificial sweeteners? Step into your power once again by eating more frequently through the day and by eating foods that sustain your energy, like low glycemic
complex carbohydrates. Foods for power and transformation: Complex carbohydrates, fiber, whole grains, legumes, yellow-colored foods.
Medicine Card of Today: Turkey card 31 Giveaway
Depending on how Turkey has aspected in your cards you are being given a gift. This gift could be spiritual, material, or even intellectual. The gift may be great or small, but it is never insignificant. Congratulations. You may have just won the lottery, or the gift could be a beautiful sunset, or the smell of a fragrant flower. On the other hand you may feel the "spirit of giving" growing within you, and wanting you to share with others.
Tree of the Day: Birch
Yoga Pose of the Day: Sun Salutation
Book to Read Today: 5 Elements Spiritual
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