Sunday, December 8, 2013

Energies of Today: Eagles, Air & Spirit

Eagle Spirit
It's the day of the Sun and Eagle has made it's presence known today backed by the beautiful Swan.
Last night while resting in bed, my Yemaya candle danced it's flame on my altar and my shadow spirit awakened against my wall. This is when the energy of the Sun/Fire/Flame merged with spirit my shadow producing a wonderful vibe and energy. Staring at my shadow I arose from bed to admire my spirit beauty and I was amazed, at how she looked like me but was pure and innocent. I smiled at this moment, and the thought arose of shadow magic. Whatever we project into our shadow will follow us and become us. Creating oneness with all elements will really take your life and magic to the next level. The main secret to the alchemist is that she understands how the elements are created, how they feel, move and transform. The best way to know these things about an element is to practice becoming the element, if you practice this you will know true oneness with all things. A greater powerful love will flow through you directly from the infinite.  
Today while drawing our Medicine Wheel Cards the Eagle and Swan jumped out of the deck and landed face up, jump out cards are always a direct sign from spirit. When two bird/air cards jump out it shows strength of spirit guides and the ancestors surrounding us, this is the first time this has happened. The Eagle comes as the energy of flight, the ability to exist between two worlds heaven and earth. It's the energy of the mental plane, the higher mind, illumination the Great spirit/Creator and wisdom. The Swan brings in the altered state of awareness through dreams, developing your intuitive abilities, and accepting your ability to know what lies ahead. Being humble and surrendering yourself to the power of the Great Spirit. Swan Medicine teaches us to be at one with all planes of consciousness, and trust in Great Spirit's protection. Swan medicine people have the ability to see the future, to surrender to the power of the Infinite, and and to accept the healing and transformation of our lives. Spirit is asking us to pay more attention and become one with our air elements within. "Eagle teaches you to look higher and to touch Grandfather Sun with your heart, to love the shadow as well as the light."

Message of Today:
"Embrace the days when the skies are low to Earth, send your prayers with them as they rise above. Adorn your hair & body with feathers, embrace the sun fire flame against your soul shadow spirit. Fly in the night to other realms, spirit will guide and protect you.

Meditation for Today:
Embrace shadow magic. Spend time with your self appreciating just the way you are, just speaking love and proudness into your soul. At night light a candle and sit where your shadow awakens against a wall. Sit and stare into your shadow, meditate on the energies that arise. If their are some changes you wish to make in your life at this time, project them into your shadow by repeating positive affirmations to your shadow on the wall, this is your future person. Seal the session with a charge of chant, prayer, or herbal blessing. Journal your experiences.

Energies of Today
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. The Orisha today is Obatala and his number is 8 and today is the 8th how awesome is that!! Enjoy!

Gods/Deities: Obatala/Hathor/Bast/Ra
Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Gender Energy: Masculine/Yang
Numerology: Today is  = 8 day/December 8, 2013= 8/ Day 342/23 days left in year
Planet of the day: Sunday/Sun~ Healing, spirituality, success, strength, protection, health, leadership, prosperity, 
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Pisces/Water~ intuitive, imaginative, sensual, generous, emotional, romantic
Herb of the Day: Basil, Ginger
Essential Oil of the Day: Juniper, Coriander, Mandarin, Sandalwood, Ginger
Color of the Day: Gold, Yellow, Orange, White
Chakra of the Day: Manipura/3rd/Solar Plexus/Above Navel Beneath Sternum
Sound of the Day: Ram
Incense of the Day: Sandalwood/Cinnamon
Gem/Stone of the Day: Sunstone, Tigers Eye, Amber, Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Calcite
Tree of the day: Birch
Medicine Card of the Day: Eagle Card 1/ Swan Card 39
Foods for the Day: Step into your power once again by eating more frequently through the day and by eating foods that sustain your energy. Foods for power and transformation: Complex carbohydrates, fiber, whole grains, legumes, yellow-colored foods.
Yoga Pose of the Day: Sun Salutation
What to Read Today: Speak Your Truth

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