Friday, December 6, 2013

Shaman Mom~ Medicine Woman

Medicine & Shaman Women

Giving thanks for this Friday, day of Venus and love of the feminine, we are honoring Traditional Healers and Modern Shaman women today. This topic is special to me because this is my path and so many other women who are a reincarnated ancestors from an ancient time. A close sister friend and I were discussing how back in the day our ancestors were powerful oracles, healers and shamans but as oppression and controlled times arrived they didn't own their own power. Some had to bend over backwards working for someone else all day, humble their spirits and tongues for others, as well as hide their powers until they could make it to the woods late in the midnight. This current generation of healers are healing those wounds from that oppressing time as well as expanding. We are awakening our gifts and mastering them, we are also utilizing our desire of not being controlled and creating our own businesses while still doing the work of the creator through ascension. Many of us are oracles, teachers and healers. We are one with the ancient spirits and infinite creator. We are grounded in our sacred Mother Earth. We shape shift into different dimensions while awake and dreaming to get answers, and guidance. We grow, harvest and concoct sacred herbal & essential oil blends for our selves and family to embody an energy of wholeness and high vibration. We manifest, utilizing the secrets of attraction and alchemy to transcend time and draw down what we passionately seek. We are the women who birth children naturally, parent whole heartedly, and fly at night while all are asleep. We fly to see our angels, ancestors and spirit guides. We see them because we are spirit and we need that connection with them to ascend while in the physical realm of matter. We do this all for the sake of becoming better and assisting others in doing the same. Today I will share different stories of ancient and modern Shaman and Medicine wommen to enliven our souls and push us to acknowledge our inner callings of truth. 

I'm a Wombman, Mother, Shaman

Shaman Woman of the Reindeer People from Amur Bend, Manchuria
This female Orochon shaman had spent a lifetime in the forests of the North Manchurian taiga enclosed by the Amur Bend. The numerous small animal symbols and chains are aids in establishing contact with the spirits, while the oval drum serves to heighten the requisite state of ecstasy during which the spirits inhabit a shaman's body and his own soul leaves it to roam about the sky.
Photo: Lissner - Man, God and Magic

South Africa Traditional Healer
Sangoma traditional healer in S.Africa finishes preparing for a ceremony in her village. They fulfill different social and political roles in the community, including divinationhealing physical, emotional and spiritual illnesses, directing birth or death rituals, finding lost cattle, protecting warriors, counteracting bad witches, and narrating the history, cosmology, and myths of their tradition. There are two main types of traditional healers within the Nguni societies of Southern Africa: the diviner (sangoma), and the herbalist (inyanga). These healers are effectively South African shamans who are highly revered and respected in a society where illness is thought to be caused by witchcraft, pollution (contact with impure objects or occurrences) or through neglect of the ancestors.

Central Asia

Shaman woman with drum
painted with her visions
and spirit allies.
Central Asia.

Maria Sabina Shaman Woman
Maria Sabina, the renowned
Mazatec curandera of Mexico.
Her incantations as she entered
the shamanic ecstasy were poetic,
devotional, and yet subverted the
patriarchal theologian's insistence
on a masculine god by calling on
a "padre santĂ­sima."


In Alice Springs and throughout Central Australia, Aboriginal traditional healers (ngangkari) are quietly going about their work.
Using complex methods of touch, breath and spiritual healing, they do what they have always done - ease the pain of those who are suffering.
Many ngangkari are employed by the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women's Council in Alice Springs, and work hand in hand with mainstream health professionals.
Ngangkari [work with] medical and health professionals in the mental health area, as well as in primary health areas sharing knowledge," "[They work] in hospitals, nursing homes, jails, hostels, wherever Aboriginal people are in need here in Central Australia to provide that really high level traditional care."
American Indian
Many Native American tribes believed that the women had more healing power and were able to soothe ill souls with their chants and connection to the spirit world. Medicine women gathered herbs to create healing medicines for those who fell sick within the tribe.

A machi drums on her kultrĂșn.
Most shamans are female in the
Mapuche Nation of southern Chile.

Women drummers at a kut,
the shamanic ceremonies officiated
by the female shamans called mudang.
Shamanic rites are very much
a living culture in Korea,
although a strong social stigma
has grown up against the powerful
women who run the ceremonies, heal,
prophesy, and commune with ancestors. Confucian and Protestant influences
both militate against female
spiritual leadership.

Message for the day:
"You are the ancestors, honor yourself, live up to your path, heal your old karmic wounds, and stand up for your journey!"

Meditation for Today: 
Research ancient shaman women or traditional medicine women. Find one story and/or picture that resonates with your soul. Clothes your eyes and picture yourself in her story. How does it feel? Meditate on this and journal.

Energies of Today
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. Enjoy!

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Numerology: Today is 6 =6 day/December 4, 2013= 6/ Day 340/25 days left in year
Planet of the day: Friday/Venus~ Beauty, unconditional love, romance, pleasure, peace
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Aquarius/Air~ Individuality, personal freedom, smart, abrupt changes
Herb of the Day: Rose, Jasmine, Lavender, Red Clover, Lotus Root
Essential Oil of the Day: Rose, Palmrosa, Patchouli, Jasmine
Color of the Day: Pink, Green, Aqua
Chakra of the Day: Anahata/4th/Heart
Sound of the Day: Yam
Incense of the Day: Rose
Gem/Stone of the Day: Malachite, Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Jade, Emerald
Tree of the day: Apple
Medicine Card of the Day: Salmon/ Card 49/ Wisdom Inner Knowing
Foods for the Day: Foods for love and compassion, apples, strawberries, figs, fresh raw veggies, eggplant, cacao, red wine
Yoga Pose of the Day: Camel, star, goddess pose, standing squat, cobra
What to Read Today: How to Love Yourself

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excellent blog , nice job,,, thanks
