Saturday, December 7, 2013

Manifesting Magic

Creating Your Dream
Fam it's Saturn Day and our Moon is in Aquarius for a perfect blended energy of breaking habits, implementing a routine with good habits, and getting our homes right. Spirit is speaking today about taking our own advice, and using your attraction magic to manifest your dreams. For me that means, having a all around balanced life. Exercising daily, prayers, chants and meditations daily, writing and creating daily, as well as eating healthy and properly, which is huge for me right now! Breastfeeding and being a work from home mom lands me with eating my way through the day, not looking good for me, lol!! So I know I am in control of my life and I know what to do to get my life to where I want it to be, so what's stopping me? Simply put, sometimes we allow our urges to control ourselves or even procrastination. Tomorrow I will start eating right, I will begin to exercise, I will start creating. In the mist of living in the moment I declare today as my tomorrow and I want to break past those habits now! I planted New Moon intentions and I will work with the energy and support of my spiritual family to grow my dream seeds into reality. 

What are some of your bad habits that you want to break, and what realistic positive habit will you replace it with? Always remember it is so not going to be easy to break habits because they are imbeded in your psyche, cells, and body. Your soul is pure, we just have to cut the ties of the attached energies that you no longer want so that your true self can lead. 

The next very important energy of Saturn is homes and houses. Have you ever realized how routinely alot of people do full house cleanings on Saturn Days? They go grocery shopping to feed everyone in the house, we tend to move on Saturn Days as well as do necessary house work. Saturn really allows us to tap into the power of our sacred home spaces. This brings up the question are you satisfied where you live or with your living space? This question means location, money/rent/mortgage/bills, expectations, privacy, freedom, commute etc. If you are, I am super happy for you, continue on with living your reality dream. If you are not, now is the time to create a list of what you want, draw a picture or do a collage of what you want, bless and charge it (magic), then take small steps to getting what you want. Never say it will cost too much, because spirit will make a way for you to have ALL that you want and desire! I will also be doing this. My dream reality is to purchase my own land here in Saint Louis and build a sustainable cob house with local, recycled and affordable material built by family and friends who are skilled. This has been my dream for years now. I travel often and need a home base that I own and can come back to when I am not trekking the globe. I do not want to waste my money, energy or time renting, nor do I want a bank loan to purchase a 50 year old house that has some one else's foundation. My family and children's families are here so I finally came to the conclusion of accepting that Saint Louis can be a good place for my foundation. So now I am in the planning stage of finding the land and familiarizing myself with the materials needed, building process, county building codes and cost. What ever your dream house may be, you can create it and do it. The energy of the Aquarian Waxing Crescent Moon is abrupt changes, that's when you look at your life and say enough is enough I am not living the dream that I want. It also has the energy of personal freedom and individuality. So you have the right to be free from a mortgage debt by purchasing and building little by little. You also have the right of freedom by living in an area where you have privacy and all of your windows are not across from someone else's window or house. Create your list of how you want your sacred home space to be, whether it is to redecorate your current space, move or relocate, find what your deepest desires are and use your magic to create it. You deserve all that you desire!

Today's Message: 
"All that you desire is yours, have faith in yourself and your creator. If you want the help of the spirit guides and creator, know that it will manifest not when you want it to, but in divine time. Ase'."

Today's Meditation:
Today take a moment to meditate and  write down your deepest desires to break unwanted habits, next to the bad habit write a relevant good habit to replace it with. Actively work on this for 21 days consistently to see results. Also if you are in need of changing your living situation, meditate on what you want and desire and draw/write a list of what you want, charge it and take steps towards manifesting this dream.

Energies of Today
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. Enjoy!

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Gender Energy: Female/Yin
Numerology: Today is 7 =7 day/December 7, 2013= 7/ Day 341/24 days left in year
Planet of the day: Saturday/Saturn~ spirit communication, homes, meditation, reaping rewards of hard work, finding lost things, 
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Aquarius/Air~ Individuality, personal freedom, smart, abrupt changes, discipline, structure, elderly.
Herb of the Day: Lemon Balm, Nettles, Black Walnut
Essential Oil of the Day: Sage, Eucalyptus, Cypress, Mint, Pine
Color of the Day: Blue, Dark Purple, Indigo
Chakra of the Day: Vishuddhi/5th/Throat
Sound of the Day: Ham
Incense of the Day: Rose
Gem/Stone of the Day: Blue Agate, Chalcedony, Turqoise, Aquamarine
Tree of the day: Alder
Medicine Card of the Day: Moose/ Card 11/ Self-Esteem
Foods for the Day: Uphold your throat chakra’s personal truth by honoring your body’s choices, eating mindfully, chewing carefully, and communicating focus.Foods for for communication and truths. Sea Plants, Soups, Sauces, Juices, and fruit.
Yoga Pose of the Day: Shoulder Stance, Fish, Plow
What to Read Today: Speak Your Truth

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