Monday, December 9, 2013

Moon Day

Everyday is Moon Day
It's Moonday Fam and I am excited, because I love the energy of the Moon! We now know that the days of the weeks are named after the planets & stars in our galaxy and particularly because the energy of the planet or star is more prevalent on that day. After having a conversation last night with an elder about the particular deities being assigned a day, she said there are so many deities and not enough days of the week and we tend to forget about all of the other ones outside of the 7. I agree, so I proclaim everyday is Moon Day right!? Every day our Moon is there activating different aspects of our consciousness, mental/emotional body, our dreams and feminine aspects. Our moon governs particular energies in our life and bodies. She is also Earth's closest allies in the heavens. She assist us with so much, our gravitational force, the balance of moisture and water on earth and inside our bodies as well as illumination at night when tour Sun is on the other side of her. Our ancients and farmers of today know the rhythms of the Moon simply because it is important to survive, it truly just makes life more enjoyable and easier. Knowing the positions of the Moon in the galaxy among the stars, as well as to what phase the Moon is in, allows life to make sense as to why certain things are going on. 
The phases of the Moon starts on the Dark Moon because she can not be seen in the sky. (this signifies the womb in preparation stage to create life and beneath the earth preparing the soil to sow seeds) When the Moon is dark it is always in the same sign as the Sun, the alignment in the heavens is the Earth, Moon and Sun. The Earth orbits the Sun, the Moon orbits the Earth, so when the Sun and Moon meets up in orbit it is considered the New Moon. The Moon is not passing in front of the Sun. This is when it lies closest to the Sun in the sky as seen from the Earth. More precisely, it is the instant when the Moon and the Sun have the same ecliptical longitude.This is the time to go within, the inner depths of yourself and retrieve the goals that you want to accomplish during the next journey of the Moon. Again the Moon illuminates our dreams, visions, and thoughts and assist all of the other elements within us and the heavens to make them come true and manifest.This is also a good time to banish bad habits, negative energies, relationships, and blockages in life. Anciently this was the time of a woman's rhythm when her Moon Time would come to release the old and prepare her womb for the new.
When the Moon is new it is a thin crescent in the sky and represents new beginnings, creations, and opportunities. It begins it's journey of receiving more and more light from the Sun for 14 days. Energy is increasing, dreams are more in depth and visions increase as well as activity to manifest our dreams planted during the Dark Moon. This is the energy when life is created, conception, seeds awaken and sprout. This energy expands through the half moon cycle and onto the Full Moon.
The Full Moon is the birthing of all seeds of life sown at the beginning of the phase. By this time in the cycle of the Moon you have reaped your rewards from your ambition and hard work. You are bursting with energy and fire to create your passionate desires. Your dreams are so profound full of guidance for the future and healing support to mend the past. The Full Moon is a celebration of abundance, prosperity, and new life. Many of your seeds are still coming to fruition and will fully blossom by the completion of the Moon Cycle. This is also the time when things hidden or misunderstood are illuminated for clarity and growth. This is also the time of the month when our Ancestors and spirit guides are most likely to visit us. Anciently if a woman is fertile and not pregnant this is the time for her readily create her child's life. 
From this point on the Moon is waning, the energy is drawing down.  This is the time for meditation, spiritual work, root work, intuition, and divination. Again we coming back around full circle to the Dark Moon so this is the time to be aware of your actions towards your goals and dreams to manifest them. This is the time to review and make corrections, heal disputes and make amends. This period lasts 14 days.

Message of the Day: " This is the moment to feel good about something you have accomplished on your journey. This is a time of feeling harmonious pride and of recognizing those who aided you in the process."

Meditation of the Day: Find the Moon in the Sky tonight or find an image on the moon to meditate upon. Closing your eyes and clearing your mind tune into your breath. Looking into the Moon, be aware of the energy that comes over you, and the thoughts and feelings that come to your mind. Spend as much time here as you need. you can even take a spiritual quest to the Moon. Journal your experiences.

Energies of Today
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. The Orisha today is Obatala and his number is 8 and today is the 8th how awesome is that!! Enjoy!

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Gender Energy: Female/Yin
Numerology: Today is  = 9 day/December 9, 2013= 9/ Day 343/22 days left in year
Planet of the day: Monday/Moon~ Peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friends, physic awareness, purification, medicine, mothers, and fertility.
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Pisces/Water~ intuitive, imaginative, sensual, generous, emotional, romantic
Herb of the Day: Lavender, Frankincense, Nutmeg, Rose
Essential Oil of the Day: Lavender, Jasmine, Nutmeg, Lotus
Color of the Day: White, cream, silver, light greys
Chakra of the Day: Sahasrara/7th/Crown of the Head
Sound of the Day: Om
Incense of the Day: Lotus
Gem/Stone of the Day: Moonstone
Tree of the day: Willow
Medicine Card of the Day: Moose Card 11
Foods for the Day: The crown chakra is the part of us that connects us to all of life. If you feel severed from something larger—the cosmos, the planet, the human race, or your community—or you are longing for deeper meaning in life, choosing to see the act of eating as an event of interconnection may be very satisfying. In essence, eating is a divine act that connects you with the lineage of every form of life that was involved in the creation of the food. By using foods as a symbol of connection, you can connect to that which is sacred and deep. Foods for unification and interconnection: Sun- and moon-light, clean air, unconditional love.
Yoga Pose of the Day: Moon Salutation
What to Read Today: Speak Your Truth


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