Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Energies of Today: For the Love of Mercury

Awaken Your Inner Healer Everyday
Today is the day of the Diviners, wisdom seekers, book worms, and spirit communicaters. Actually everyday is that day for us! Mercury governs Wednesdays so the energy of this planet vibes stronger on these days. When I think of divining (being your own oracle), wisdom seeking (knowledge from the first moment of life and into the future), book worms (studying knowledge from collective minds), and spirit communicaters (those who acknowledge and see/talk to spirits regularly), I automatically think of Reiki (Rei~infinite wisdom Ki~life force) or energy healing. All of those things are Reiki. Even though Reiki is a Japanese complimentary technique of healing and oneness founded and created by Dr. USUI in the 1900's it has been around since life first existed on our planet. What I appreciate about Dr. USUI was that he reinvented in the East and West what we were slowly slipping away from due to technology. In the more indigenous parts of the East and West some still held on to the ancient energy of healing. Reiki is a way of life, it creates oneness with all things that exist by utilizing your body as a vessel for the love, light, and total complete oneness of the creator to flow through your at high and I mean high vibrant rates. Giving and receiving Reiki literally feels like pulsing energy of softness, love, or a vibrant warm glow covering, hovering or flowing beautifully through your body. A lot of people ask, "So how does Reiki work?" It works through intent, the intent of you wanting to communicate with your soul body to pick up on blockages of energy in your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical energetic centers in order to heal them. It works through your connection with the divine and your higher self wanting to be complete and at bliss. So once you say I want to balance my life, my energy, my love, Reiki or the infinite energy flows through you. 

What does that mean when it flows? That means when you intentionally speak these things, your lotus blossoms on your crown, your root Chakra flows its roots into the Earth, and your 5 mid Chakras begin to vibe and open. The creator begins to pour it's light and love over your crown. The energy then begins to flow all through you, over you, and around you. It pulses through your hands and that's where the work begins! Everything you touch is charged, purified and begins to heal. You can Reiki your bed, mirror, phone, a meeting in the future, your children, family, body, food, water, past lives, ancestors, Money!! All things that exists receive and love Reiki. You do not have to be attuned to Reiki to receive it's abundance, yet being attuned will take your Healing capacity to the highest level you will allow yourself to go. Being attuned aligns you with ancient sacred symbols used as portals for energy to flow through to heal particular situations. It also aligns you with the sacred energy of all of the traditional healers before you, all of the energy and voices of the elements, as well as realigns your DNA code to activate parts of your brain and glands to higher levels and dimensions of power as a human. The healing energy does not come from you, it flows through you from the creator. So when you re-code your DNA your brain begins to think in higher levels of consciousness, which opens doors you've never imagined. Why couldn't you have imagined these things? Surely because our brains were dormant and shut off from living in a constant oppressed state of a lesser human virbrancy generation after generation. All in all, Reiki is that deal! When I train others as Reiki healers, masters and teachers we learn about ancient African traditional ways, we focus on clearing our bad habits and overflow of negativity before even thinking of healing someone else. We have fun discovering our super human energies and higher planes of existence, we become Reiki.

Message of Today: 
"The creator flows through me at an abundant rate, I am at one with all things created, I am one with the infinite!"

Today's Meditation:
Find quiet space, tune into your breath, allow deep breathing and calm the mind. Speak your intent to connect to the infinite and speak with your higher self. Imagine a lotus unfolding on your crown as you breathe. As you inhale imagine and feel a pure white or lavender colored light flowing into your crown from the heavens. As you exhale feel yourself surrounded by that light, as it begins to rotate and revolve around you continuously. Rub your hands together to awaken the flow of healing power. Slowly begin by placing your hands on your crown and imagine that same pure light flowing from your hands over your crown. Stay here as long as needed and move on slowly to all areas of your body. Each place my need to have your hands heal them longer or shorter than others. Most importantly just be aware of what you sense, hear and feel while you are healing the different areas of yourself. Make a mental note if you feel any cold areas or areas that feel like there is a spiritual block. Journal these things when finish and consistently heal yourself as often as you can. 

Energies of Today
Okay so take some time to review the energies of the day, the darker blue writings have links attached so you can discover more about this particular energy. The Orisha today is Obatala and his number is 8 and today is the 8th how awesome is that!! Enjoy!

Season/Element~ Autumn/Earth
Gender Energy: Yang/Male
Numerology: Today is  = 11 day/December 11, 2013= 11/ Day 345/20 days left in year
Planet of the day: Wednesday/Mercury~ Conscious mind, study, travel, divination, mental clarity, teaching, negotiations, healing's, self-improvements.
Sun Sign: Sagittarius/ Fire Nov. 22nd-Dec.21
Moon Sign of the Day: Aries/Fire~ beginnings, bold, spontaneous, confident, energetic
Herb of the Day: Gardenia, Calendula, Burdock, Damiana
Essential Oil of the Day: Lemongrass, melissa, orange
Color of the Day: Yellow, orange, grey, violet
Chakra of the Day: Swadisthan/Sacral,2nd/Genitals/Reproductive Organs
Sound of the Day: Vam
Incense of the Day: Lotus
Gem/Stone of the Day: Tiger's Eye, Golden Topaz, Carnelian, Moonstone
Tree of the day: Hazel
Medicine Card of the Day: Raven Card 16~ Magic
Foods for the Day: Whereas the root chakra likes to keep us stable and planted, the sacral chakra opens us up to flow and movement. Difficulty expressing emotions, creativity, or having fun are all indicators that you are not “going with the flow.” Consequently, you may become prone to overeating and stuffing yourself with food to keep your emotions down, but when you unleash your emotions, it gives your spirit the energy to create and enjoy! Allow your sacral chakra to swim freely by spending time creating meals and by paying attention to your senses when eating. Foods for flow and feelings: Fats and oils (especially omega-3s), fish, tropical fruits, seeds, nuts, orange-colored foods.
Yoga Pose of the Day: Sitting and Standing Squat

What to Read Today: Healing Yourself with Reiki

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